His master voice Das Himabrata1* 1Department of Psychiatry, Tezpur Medical College Hospital, Tezpur, Assam, India *Correspondence: Dr Himabrata Das, Department of Psychiatry, Tezpur Medical College Hospital, Bihaguri, Tezpur-784010, Assam, India, himabratadas@gmail.com
Online Published on 11 April, 2022. Abstract In this free-flowing conversation with the Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences (OJPAS®), the stalwart Dr. HR Phookun speaks about how the ongoing pandemic is changing the world we live in and the major challenges for mental health professionals arising out of this crisis. He also discusses his experience of taking online classes and predicts a larger role that technology will play in the delivery of mental health services. Top Keywords Pandemic, Technology, Social Media, Suicide. Top | |
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