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Progressive Agriculture
Year : 2023, Volume : 23, Issue : 1
First page : ( 23) Last page : ( 36)
Print ISSN : 0972-6152. Online ISSN : 0976-4615.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-4615.2023.00004.2

Production of amylase enzymes in fungus isolated from sugarcane

Kumar Lalit*, Dhawan Priya

College of Applied Education and Health Sciences, Meerut

*Corresponding Author Email- lalitkumar0402@gmail.com

Online published on 20 May, 2023.


Potential amylase producing microorganism were isolated using serial dilution, pour plate, and streak plate method on SDA medium. These isolates were screened to obtain, green, yellow, whitish, and cottony isolates were colonies. All the selected isolates PD-1, PD-2, PD-3, PD-4, PD-5, PD-6, PD-7, PD-8, PD-9, PD-10, PD-11, PD-12 were screened for production of amylase using starch plate method resulting in clear zone of starch hydrolysis in the Petri dishes on PD-1, PD-2, PD-3. PD-7, PD-9, PD-12 after iodine treatment. Out of them, only six fungal isolates were found to be positive for amylase production, as determined by measuring the width of the clear zone (zone of hydrolysis) formed around the fungal colonies PD-1 (2.5), PD-2 (3.4) PD-3 (2.1), PD-7 (3.0), PD-9 (1.1), PD-12 (3.2).mm in diameter, on starch agar medium Respectively, thses one strain PD-1, morphology and culturing identified as Aspergillus niger was found to be a potent strain and hence was selected and further study enzymetic activity of DNS method by spectrophotometric on effect on pH and effect on temperature.


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