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Pesticide Research Journal
Year 2023, Volume-35, Issue-2 (December)
Print ISSN: 0970-6763
Online ISSN: 2249-524X

Table of Contents

The Global Trend in Pesticide Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
Rajna S, Praveen KV and Suresh M Nebapure

Pesticide Use Pattern by Paddy Growers in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh
Jhansi Hima Varsha Valluri, Cherukuri Sreenivasa Rao, Chiranjeevi Ch, Srinivasa Rao V and Kishore Varma P

Residues of Imazethapyr in Pigeon Pea and Soil
Dhara D Lunagariya, Susheel Singh, Kamlesh G Patel, Vanrajsinh H Solanki and Lokesh Kumar Saini

Dissipation, Risk Assessment of Afidopyropen Residues in/on Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) and Cotton (Gossypium spp.)
Suchi Chawla, Kaushik D Parmar, Nitesh S Litoriya, Ravi L Kalasariya, Hetal N Gor, Hemlatta K Patel, Payal P Upadhyay, Paresh G Shah, Sannappa Thippeswamy Prabhu and G K Ramegowda

Dissipation of Pyriproxyfen in Chilli – Risk Assessment and Decontamination by Different Household Processes
Sanjay Kumar Sahoo, Thanikanti Chandrika and B Sujatha

Persistence and Risk Assessment of Thiamethoxam in Brinjal and Tomato
Sanjay Kumar Sahoo and Vinod Kumar Dubey

Dissipation of Flubendiamide and Deltamethrin on Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) following Application of Combination Formulation
Jemimah N, Anitha V, Kavitha K and Swati C

Impact of Fungicidal Seed Treatments and Storage on Seed Health of Important Pulses
Ravindra Kumar and Anuja Gupta

Bioefficacy of Seed Protectants against Rice Weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), on Stored Wheat, Triticum aestivum L.
Rohit Kumar, Surender Singh Yadav, Sunita Yadav, Puneet, Krishna Rolania and Harish Kumar

Bio-efficacy of Novel Insecticides against Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus Maculatus (Fab.)
P Chaithanya, T Madhumathi, Ch Chiranjeevi, S Krishnam Raju, KN Sreenivasulu and T Srinivas

Efficacy of Certain Novel Insecticides against Insect Pests of Summer Green Gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]
A Banerjee and Sabyasachi Ray

Management of Litchi Fruit Borer Conopomorpha litchiella in Himalayan Region of India
Ashish Kumar Pandey, Abran Singh Kushwah, Randeep Kumar, Surendra Kumar Sharma and Neeraj Patanjali

Ovicidal Action of Different Insecticides against Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) Under Laboratory and Field Conditions
Sanga Thejaswini, Hanumanthaswamy BC, Sharanabasappa S Deshmukh, Soumya TM, Mallikarjuna HB and Kalleshwaraswamy CM

Studies on Resistance Development and Detoxification Enzyme of Rice Weevil, Sitophilus oryzae to Insecticides
P Neethu, Thania Sara Varghese, N Anitha, Thomas George and T Santhosh Kumar

Bioefficacy against Major Sucking Pest Complex and Residue Dynamics of Fipronil in Green Chilli (Capsicum annum Linn.)
Jaydeep Halder, Sujan Majumder and Totan Adak

In vitro and Field Evaluation of Fungicides against Sheath Blight Disease of Rice (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn)
Rini Pal and Dipankar Mandal

Control of Tomato Leaf Spot Pathogen Alternaria alternata using Endophyte Fungi
Abdulnabi A A Matrood and Khalil-Berdi Fotouhifar

PRJ News and Views
Rajesh Kumar, NA Shakil and VT Gajbhiye

Reviewers of Volume 35, 2023


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