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Editorial Team

Integrated Publishing Association is formed by academia, researchers, scientists across the globe, we are increasing the editorial team to enhance the effectiveness of our journals and the peer review process. The partial list of editorial board members associated with our journals are given below

Chief Editors

International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering

Dr. G.S. Thirugnanam
Professor and Head, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering
Institute of Road and Transport Technology
Erode, Tamilnadu

Executive Editor

Dr.Junbo Jia
Specialist Engineer
Aker Kvaerner Offshore Partner, Bergen, Norway.

Managing Editor

Dr. G.P. Ganapathy
Assistant Professor
Center for Disaster Mitigation and Management
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamilnadu.

Editorial Advisory Board

Dr. Adel Husain
DM Building and Energy Technologies
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Kuwait

Dr.Saji Baby
Senior Environmental Scientist
Wataniya Environmental research center
uwait City- Sharq- Ahmed Al-Jaber St, Kuwait

Dr. Mrinal K. Ghose
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
Indian School of Mines , Dhanbad

Dr. Chandan Ghosh
Professor & Head [Geo Hazards Division]
National Inst. of Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
Govt. of India, New Delhi

Dr. B. Sukumar
Scientist- EII
Center for earth and soil sciences

Dr. Seracettin ARASAN
Ataturk University, Engineering Faculty
Civil Engineering Department, 25240
Erzurum , Turkey

Dr. Joko Windarto
Engineering Faculty, Diponegoro Univeristy
Semarang, Indonesia

Dr. S. Nagan
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Enginering(Structural division)
Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai

Dr. K. Mahendran
Structural Engineer & Professor
Center for Building technology
Gandigram rural university, Tamilnadu

Dr Prem Chhetri
Program Director, School of Management
RMIT University Melbourne ,Australia

Dr. Radhikesh P. Nanda
Ph.D., Earthquake(IITR)Asst. Prof.
School of Civil Engineering, KIIT University
Bhubaneswar, India-751024

Dr. R. Sakthivel
Assistant Professor, Geo-Environmental Remote Sensing(GERS) Lab
Centre of Excellence in Remote Sensing
School of Geosciences, Bharathidasan University

Dr. Aladesanmi O. Titilayo
Research Officer
National Centre for Technology Management
(Federal Ministry of Science and Technology), Obafemi
Awolowo University,,Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria

Dr. Sahul Hameed
Scientist, Environmental Research center
JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu.

Dr. A. Srividya
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
Sona College of Technology, Salem Tamilnadu.

Dr. J. Premalatha
Professor and Head
Department of Civil Engineering
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu,.

Dr. S.R. Ramanan
Director, Cyclone Warning Center
Indian Meteorological division, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Dr. B. Gurugnanam
Reader, Department of Geology
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram

Dr. Mohan Raj
Lecturer, Department of Environmental Management
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli

Dr. J. Udayakumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering(Geology division)
TKM Engineering College, Kollam, Kerala.

Prof. Arabinda Sharma
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department
MM University, Mullana.

Prof. Manpreet Singh Bhatti
Assistant Professor, Department of Botanical and Environment Sciences
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab.

Dr. S. Senthilkumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Taramani, Chennai

Dr. Prafull Kumar Singh
Center for Remote Sensing and GIS
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal

Dr. R. Sakthivel
Assistant Professor, Centre of Excellence in Remote Sensing
School of Geosciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli

Dr. M. Prashanthi Devi
Lecturer, Department of Environmental Management
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli

Dr. Hina Kousar
Assistant Professor, Deparment of Environmental Sciences
Kuvempu University, Shivamogga, Karnataka.

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