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Q. 1What types of subscriptions are available? How do they impact my access to past years' files?
Ans.There are three options to access past years' files:
1 Current Year Subscription: Online access to all issues for the current year and four preceding years.
2 Archival Subscription: Online access to all issues for the current year and 10 preceding years.
3 Deep Archives Subscription: Online access to all the files available since 1994.

Q. 2What are the different purchase options available on indianjounals.com?
Ans.There are three purchase options available:
1 Subject Collections - A collection of peer reviewed journals of a particular subject, suitable to academic institutions/Research institutions.
2 Individual Journals
3 Single Articles (Available in Online only)

Q. 3What are the different types of journal subscription formats available for purchase?
Ans.Two types of Subscription options :
1 Online only : Subscribers of a journal have online access to all issues for the current year and four preceding years. This includes all supplementary material
2 Print + Online Subscriptions :Subscribers of a journal receive print copies of all issues for the current year. Additionally, they also get complementary online access to the issues for the current year and four preceding years.

Q. 4What is meant by Online Subscription Policy?
Ans.This is a time bound policy wherein you are given access to publications from January to December i.e. for one calendar year only. You can access whatever is published within this time frame. Current Year Subscription -Subscribers of a journal have online access to all issues for the current year and four preceding years. This includes all supplementary material.

Q. 5What is the benefit of purchasing a subject collection?
Ans.Subject collections have the following benefits:
1. Access to the latest research published in a specific-subject area on IndianJournals. This makes it extremely useful for academic and research institutions.
2. New journals added to same subject category are given free of cost
3. Price Discounts.

Q. 6How do I renew my subscription?
Ans.Please reach out to us at subscription@indianjournals.com

Content Access
Q. 7What does my subscription of the ‘current year’ include?
Ans.IndianJournals offers/provides online subscription/access on a calendar year basis (Jan - Dec). The subscription covers all subscribed content published within the given/current year. Additionally, it also includes complimentary access to back files for the 4 preceding years for these publications

Q. 8Why can’t I download an article?
Ans.There can be following reasons::
1. It could be that you haven't subscribed to that article/journal you are trying to download
2. If you have a subscription - It could be that your subscription does not cover content for a selected year.
3. The IP address for your institution is not recognized by our server.
Please contact the librarian or administrator of the account at your institution. or Please reach out to us at subscription@indianjournal.com

Q. 9How do I know if I am logging in from within the IP range of my institution?
Ans.The institution name will appear at the top of the page confirming you are signed in as part of an institution.

Q. 10What is remote access and how do I activate it? How long does my access last?
Ans. Remote access is a feature on IndianJournals.com, through which users can access full text of their subscribed journals from any location outside the IP range of their institution/campus.
Laptop/Mobiles can be paired and can be accessible for one month.
To enable ""Remote Access"" on your device, please follow the given steps:
1. Open IndianJournals.com on your device from an subscribed (institution or campus) network.
2. Click the Remote Access option on IndiaJournals.com home page.
3. Click Enable Pairing On My Device Button on IndianJournals.com home page. The Declaration screen will appear.
4. Click on I Agree button.
5. Once the cookie/key is saved on your device, you will see a message “Remote Access has enabled”.
6. Now you can access subscribed content remotely.
Note: Remote access will be active for a month, to resume access you need to visit your institution and pair the device again

Q. 11What is the difference between Single User and IP Based Access?
Ans.Single User Access refers to username & password access.
It is for a single user only.
Multiple logins from the same name lead to the user being blocked.
Content usage cannot be tracked for Single User Access
IP based Access refers to access via static IP's allotted to an institution.
It does not require login credentials
You can access the subscribed content of your institution if you are accessing it from within the defined IP range of your institution.
It is available within a geographical range of the Institute.
Content usage can be tracked"

Q. 12What is the cost of a subscription?
Ans.Subscription cost vary according to your selection of journal and media type( Online Only or Print. For journal prices, please visit: https://www.indianjournals.com/JournalsPriceList.aspx

Q. 13How can I make payment ?
Ans.The options available for making payment/ purchase are :
1. Cheque/Demand Draft /NEFT/RTGS in favor of “Diva Enterprises Pvt Ltd" or "Indianjournals.com" – Payable at New Delhi, India.
2. Online Purchase Opiton available over website- select the journal and make payment though Credit Card

Q. 14How can I obtain a receipt of my subscription payment??
Ans.To obtain reciept of your subscription payment, please contact us at : https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=contact_us

Q. 15 I am not receiving the subscribed print copies, but your team confirms they have been dispatched?
Ans.If you have received a confirmation of the dispatch, it may be that your address on record needs to be updated. Please confirm your complete address to our team : claims@indianjournals.com

Q. 16 I have a print copy subscription with Indianjournals.com but I am receiving copies from various societies. Is this process correct ?
Ans. All the orders will be accepted and processed by Indianjournals.com only. In some cases, IndianJournals fulfills print orders on behalf of the publisher. In other cases, the publisher dispatches the print orders directly. If you are receiving issues from either of the two, it is part of the normal process. In case you miss any issue or receive a damaged issue, please contact Indianjournals.com only claims@indianjournals.com

Q. 17Who should I contact about my print issues not being delivered?
Ans.You can lodge complaint to us regarding delivery of your print issues by writing us at claims@indianjournals.com

Q. 18Can I sample the content to get a basic understanding?
Ans.Yes, There are 2 ways to do this:
Sample Copies: These are available on the homepage of each journal. You will be required to register but will not be charged anything.
IP based Trial Access: This facility can also be accessed from the home page of a journal. It is applicable only to institutions and is valid for 1 month only.

Q. 19How can I keep a track of new issues added to publications I have subscribed to?
Ans.Please opt for our TOC Alerts and you will be kept updated about the new releases. The link for the same is available on the home page of each publication.

Q. 20Why do I need to register? What is the associated process?
Ans.Registered users can access the advanced features. This includes features such as access to the Open Access journals, Email Alerts and Newsletters. Registration does not commit you to make any purchase or provide access to paid content. Registration is, however, necessary to purchase a subscription. To complete the registration process, please provide the necessary information when prompted. After this, you will receive an email at your registered email address. Please click on the link in this email to verify your email address. Email verification is a one-time process and necessary to activate your account.
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