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Author Guidelines

Important Note

Integrated Publishing Association Journals are aiming to provide a rapid publishing platform, each and every point is vital to reduce the editorial work flow. Authors are instructed to follow the author guidelines strictly without which the article may not be accepted for publication. We are not employing many copy and content editors, we are unable to copy and content editing, any discrepancy found may force us to reject the article. So authors are advised to check the guidelines and check list before submitting the article for publication.

Benefit to Authors

By publishing in IPA journals you are getting the following benefits.

  • Free to publish, articles are published without any article processing fee for members of our association.
  • Open access, all articles published are open access for authors and viewers.
  • Wide publicity and reach by getting indexed in many free indexing services.
  • Rapid publication, your article will be online within 4 weeks of time after submission date.
  • Excellent editorial standards which will improve the quality of your work
  • Listed in DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Ulrich and many databases.

Submission of article

We are currently focusing on publishing original research works, review papers, short communications only, authors may submit the articles only to submissions@ipublishing.co.in or through the submission form.

File type

Authors should submit the articles only in MS-word 2003 or 2007 format, no other format is accepted. If equations were used it should be converted by using MS Office equation editor and pasted as image at proper place.

File size

No article should exceed more than 10 pages unless necessary, authors will be requested to substantiate the need if it exceeds the maximum number of pages. The file size of the MS word format may not exceed 10 MB size for submission through submission form and 15 MB if it is submitted as attachment over mail.

Size of submission

Authors are instructed to restrict the number of pages not more than 10 pages to avoid ambiguity and reduce the editing time. The file should be attached as email attachment which is properly scanned before submission. In any case the size of the file should never exceed 10 MB owing to file restriction implied.


Language of the articles should be only in English, we are not processing articles in any other languages.

Font type

Articles should be typed in single line spacing with the following font pattern.

Font type : Times new roman.

Size : For heading or title: 14 points and Bold, For subtitles : 12 points and Bold, Content of article : 12 points.

Submission order

The following order should be strictly followed while submitting the article.

Front page :

Title of article, authors names, authors institutional affiliations only and leave other spaces empty.

From second page : Start with abstract of about 200-300 words exactly conveying the content of the article, Keywords ( at least 5 words ) Main content text with all tables and figures aligned in their location ( do not send tables and figures separately unless requested), list of symbols and abbreviations, acknowledgement ,references ( follow standard format).

Titles: Do not capitalise the titles unnecessarily unless required.

Ex: ABSTRACT can be capitalised but instead of giving as INTRODUCTION give it as Introduction without capitalising.


References should be the last part of the article following the below given format.

  1. Prakash.R., and Ramesh,G.R,2008,: Journal of Operations research, Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers, 23(2),pp 12-15.
  2. Thiyagarajah,G.,2004," Journal of applied engineering",45(2),pp 13-17.
  3. Books: Krandhi chowk, Engineering Mechanics, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, Chapter 7, 2005.

Conferences: Ganeshkumar.B, “Geospatial technology for disaster management”, International Conference on Disaster Mitigation and Management, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology,Dindigul,pp.234-238.

Web pages: “What is ethical hacking“, www.wikipedia.org , accessed on 24th October, 2009.

Images and tables

Images should be supplied without being inserted in tables, borders or any other format, they can be copy pasted in the required space. It will be better if the images are given in the last page, the quality of the image and the size should be proper. Tables should be given using tables options, do not draw tables using lines, the table width should be properly given, Also do not insert any tables as image format, it should be editable. The title of the table should be bolded and should not contain any text box.

Peer review policy

IPA journals aims at rapid publication of articles while maintaining rigorous peer review process, each article will be subjected to a minimum of two reviews by two individual reviewers. If their decision varies the article will be sent to a third reviewer and the editors decision is final. Reviewers will be insisted to review the paper within 10 days time and if he/ she fail to return will be sent to other reviewer for review. All authors are requested to provide at least three reviewers who can review their paper to speed up the process by using this form.

Paper acceptance

Final decision on acceptance of the paper is with the editorial team, promotion in any form will disqualify even qualified papers. Selected papers will be put in queue for publication, once the article is published author will get a confirmation mail from the corresponding editor. Provisional pdf will be uploaded in the journal page, it is mandatory that at least one of the authors should be our member. The provisional pdf status will be removed after receiving membership form duly filled with copyright transfer form.


IPA journals follow creative commons copyright policies, authors are instructed to send a copyright form attached with article while submission. Click here to download the copyright form, please sign the copyright form and scan it and attach in email. If the form cannot be scanned, please submit the article through this form by accepting the copyright transfer details.

Publishing method

All articles accepted for publication will be published only online, all the journals of IPA are online journals. Authors are free to download their papers at any time, no reprints or any other format of accepted article will be provided. Initially provisional pdf will be uploaded in the journal pages, which will be converted as full paper upon receipt of membership and copyright forms duly filled and signed.

Publication cost

We are not charging any article processing cost, the main aim of this journal system is to provide a free to publish platform for the authors. However if you are interested to support the journals refer the membership page for further details. Our only obligation to the authors is to spread the news about this journal to their colleagues and acquaintances and bring in more quality research papers.

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