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Guidelines to Contributors

All manuscripts should be prepared according to ABJFM guidelines for authors given below. Submissions will be blind reviewed following the journal?s normal review processes and criteria.

Please submit manuscripts in electronic form by email to: abjcontact@gmail.com

Preparation of Manuscripts

All manuscripts must be accompanied by a letter which indicates briefly why the article is suitable for publication in the Al-Barkaat Journal of Finance & Management and attests that the article has not been previously published or is under review elsewhere.


  1. Manuscripts must be double-spaced throughout (this includes Notes and References) with generous margins. They should be sent in MS Word format. Authors are encouraged to try and include tables and figures as part of the main file.
  2. Papers should be between 3000 and 8000 words in length. Papers should be carefully crafted and succinctly presented.
  3. To permit anonymity, the author?s names should not appear on the manuscript. Instead, a cover page giving the title of the article and full identifying information (name, address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses) must be attached. The title of the manuscript should be on the first page of the article along with the abstract and keywords. Language within the text that suggests the author?s identity should be avoided. In addition, the manuscript ?Properties?, under ?File? in Microsoft Word, should be erased prior to submission. Any identifying information from ?Track Changes? should be removed.
  4. The cover page should be followed by an informative abstract of no more than 150 words double-spaced. A list of 2-5 key words, in alphabetical order should be provided below the abstract. Key words should express the precise content of the manuscript as they are used for indexing purposes.
  5. Footnotes should not be used. Endnotes should be provided on a separate page immediately following the text under the heading NOTES. Endnotes should offer significant comment, not merely cite references. They should be kept to a minimum.
  6. Authors must provide high quality artwork for all illustrations. Tables and figures should be numbered separately. Tables use and figures use arabic numerals (e.g.,Table 1, Figure 1). Each table and figure should be given a title and should be presented on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.
  7. References should be listed alphabetically by author at the end of the manuscript.

Journal references should be listed as follows:

Mishra C.S. and D.H. Gobeli (1998), ?Managerial Incentives Internationalisation, and Market Valuation of Multinational Firms?, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 583-98.

Book references should be listed as follows:

Shapiro, A.C. (1999), Multinational Financial Management, 6th ed., Boston: Prentice-Hall.

Chapters in books/ Articles in edited book should be listed as follows:

Frankel, J. and A.K. Rose (1995), ?A Survey of Empirical Research on Nominal Exchange Rates?, in: G. Grooman and K. Rogoff (eds.), Handbook of International Economics, Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Conferences proceedings should be listed as follows:

Smith, A. G. and C. H. Jones (2002), Presentation/Paper Title in Italics. Conference Title, University, City.

Working papers should be listed as follows:

Jones, A. and B. Brown (2004), Title of Working Paper in Italics. Working Paper No. 123, University, Place.

Website references should be listed as follows:

Smith, A. (1999), Select committee report into social care in the community. http://www.dhss.gov.uk/reports/report015285.html (accessed on 7 November 2003).

In the text, where the author?s name appears, the date should follow in parentheses, e.g., Sen (2005). If the author?s name is not present in the text, insert it with the author?s name and date in parentheses, e.g., (Sen, 2005).

Multiple references should be listed alphabetically in parentheses, separated by semicolons e.g., (Gupta, 2006; Sen, 2007).

Page numbers, to indicate a passage of special relevance or to give the source of a quotation should appear in parentheses as (Das, 2006, p. 10).

If there is more than one reference to the same author in the same year, postscript the date with a, b, c, etc. e.g., (Mishra, 1998a).

Guidelines for Contemporary Research Issues and Commentary

We seek contribution on concise book reviews of the latest publications in finance & management. We also invite notes on contemporary research issues as well as lively debate/ commentary in topical and important issues on finance and management. The length of the notes on contemporary research issues should be between 1000-2000 words. The debate/ commentary in topical issues should be between 500-1000 words.

Processing of Manuscripts and Production:

When a paper is received the Editors will read it and decide whether to send it out to referees. The referees? reports are sought and an initial decision should take no more than three months.


Al-Barkaat Educational Society (ABES) aims to establish and administer educational institutions under the rights and duties as provided under Article 30 of the Indian Constitution. The Al-Barkaat Institute of Management Studies (ABIMS) was established by the Society in 2004. The Institute has been approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to U.P. Technical University, Lucknow. ABIMS currently runs a two year full time MBA Programme. Al-Barkaat campus is located in the close vicinity of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (UP) INDIA. The Institute has all modern facilities, such as spacious classrooms, state-of-the-art computer labs, on-campus hostel accommodation, seminar rooms, conference hall, indoor & outdoor games facilities, canteen, gymnasium etc. A well- connected public transport system joins the campus to the city. Being a non-profit organisation, Al-Barkaat Educational Society provides an ideal infrastructure and other facilities to students and a congenial environment for teaching and learning. ABIMS aims at education, quality, and development. The Institute works earnestly to get wide recognition and establish its academic credentials among business leaders, corporate community and academics through its contribution to knowledge, industry and society. The Institute is devoted to a holistic education and continuously reinforces its teaching methods to attain higher standards of utility and quality education.

About the Journal

In its constant efforts to impart quality education, ABIMS is bringing out a biannual refereed journal, namely, Al-Barkaat Journal of Finance & Management (ABJFM). International in scope and readership, the journal is multidisciplinary in nature, publishing articles on all important aspects/areas of finance and management - from empirical studies and theoretical developments to practical applications. The ABJFM provides an in-depth coverage of financial theory and practice, corporate finance, international business & finance, business strategy, entrepreneurship development, marketing management, organizational behaviour and organization theory, operations & systems management, knowledge management, infrastructure and disaster management, corporate governance, health management, accounting, supply chain management, entrepreneurship development, logistic management, strategic management and planning, cross-cultural comparisons of organizational effectiveness and any other related areas.

Please submit manuscripts in electronic form by email to: abjcontact@gmail.com

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