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Al-Barkaat Journal of Finance & Management
Year : 2023, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 13) Last page : ( 32)
Print ISSN : 0974-7281. Online ISSN : 2229-4503.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2229-4503.2023.00002.4

A study on factors influencing employee retention of it professionals

Rampriya R.1, Vanitha A.2, Selvarajan B.3

1Assistant Professor, Ph.D, Research Scholar, Alagappa University, Karaikudi OAA MAVMM School of Management, Madurai - 625301, Mobile No: 97516 95332 | Mail id: ramanrampriya@gmail.com

2Assistant Professor, Ph.D Guide, Alagappa University, Karaikudi Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Tiruppattur - 630211, Sivagangai District

3Professor, OAA MAVMM School of Management, Madurai - 625301, Mobile No: 87540 60827 | Mail id: selvamba2004@gmail.com

Online published on 15 July, 2023.


Employee Retention is one of the key challenges faced by IT Organizations in India. It has been observed that there is a great demand for skilled IT professionals within India and abroad, which has resulted in technocrats leaving the Organization in search of greener pastures. The IT Organizations in today's context cannot afford to lose their critical workforce due to uncertainty of changing economy, increasing competition and scarcity of skilled workforce as this would in turn affect their bottom lines drastically. This created the need for designing effective retention strategies. A holistic approach is essential to understand the factors controlling employee turnover in Indian IT and Multinational Companies by the HR Managers. The present study therefore not only aims at examining the reasons for employees leaving the Organization, staying back factors, their attitude towards work, work relationships and their prioritised basic expectations from the Organization but also aims at finding out if there is any significant difference in the response among IT professionals of Indian IT and Multinational Companies with respect to the above factors. Based on the analysis of responses of 30 IT professionals carried out, it was found that there was no significant difference among these companies. However with respect to certain demographic factors considered like total experience, position and sponsored certification programs, it was found that there was significant difference between these companies. The outcome of the study is expected to help the HR Managers of these Organizations in minimizing the attrition rate by developing effective retention strategies specific to their Organization.



Employee retention, Workforce, Technocrats, Attrition etc.


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