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Year : 2024, Volume : 13, Issue : 1
First page : ( 67) Last page : ( 70)
Print ISSN : 2320-1193. Online ISSN : 2394-448X. Published online : 2024 June 19.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2394-448X.2024.00014.2

The Difficulties and Developments around Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the Modern Era

Kumar Anuj1, Thapa Ravi Singh2, Yadav Sanjay3, Sweety4, Pratap Dharmendra5,*

1Faculty of Agricultural Science, Mahaveer University, Pohalli, Sardhana Road, Meerut, (U.P) 250341

2School of Agricultural Sciences, IIMT University, Meerut, (U.P.) 250001

3Faculty of Agricultural Science, Mahaveer University, Pohalli, Sardhana Road, Meerut, (U.P) 250341

4Faculty of Science, Mahaveer University, Pohalli, Sardhana Road, Meerut, (U.P) 250341

5Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, C.C.S. University, Meerut, (U.P.) 250004

*Corresponding Author : dharmendrapratap@ccsuniversty.ac.in

Online Published on 19 July, 2024.

Received:  14  April,  2024; Accepted:  08  May,  2024.


Intangible property ownership is referred to as intellectual property. This covers concepts, layouts, symbols, compositions and artistic endeavors. It also includes digital media that can be downloaded via the internet, like audio and video clips. We call this current era the “digital era.” The majority of modern innovation results in a reliance on digitalization. Printing, broadcasting, publishing and the dissemination of innovation have all been easier and more affordable in recent years. Users and intellectual property owners will be directly impacted by this. Compared to past times, the digitalization process greatly eased their labor. However, in contrast to what is so readily manufactured and distributed is likewise simply replicated at a low cost. In a digital age intellectual property rights no longer seem to be able to mediate disputes between the owners of intellectual property and their users about who gets to access created content at a fair price. This essay aims to illustrate the many developments around intellectual property rights and the difficulties that owners encounter. Additionally, a review of other researchers’ work has emphasized the different rules that will be in place to safeguard it in the upcoming years.



Intellectual Property Right, Digital Society, Digital era, Challenges & Future.


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