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Editorial Board

Founder : Late Himanshu Roy, PhD


EditorInChief : Dhirendranath Konar, PhD
   Department of Commerce,
   University of Kalyani
   Kalyani, West Bengal.


Associate EditorInChief : Shankar Chatterjee, PhD
   NIRD, Hyderabad


Managing Editor & Publisher : Chanchal Mukherjee
   New Delhi Publisher
   E Mail: ndpublisher@rediffmail.com


Bishnu Mohan Dash
   Assistant Professor
   B R Ambedkar College
   University of Delhi, New Delhi

D Murugan, PhD
   Sr. Lecturer in Economics
   Economics Wing,
   Annamalai University
   Tamil Nadu

Prof Rajesh D Shelke
   Department of Agricultural Economics &
   College of Agriculture, Latur

R P Singh, PhD
   University Professor and
   Chairman and Research Associate
   Dept. of Agricultural Economics
   BAU, Ranchi

Shankar Raha, PhD
   Dept. of Cooperation and Marketing
   Bangladesh Agricultural University
   Mymensingh, Bangladesh

Th. Priyokumar Singh, PhD
   Lecturer in Economics,
   Guest Faculty
   D.M College of Commerce

Arshad Mahmood, PhD
   Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural
   Sciences & Technology

P.Malyadri , PhD,
   Dept. of Commerce
   Vivekananda Govt. College

G L Gaur, PhD
   Sr. Faculty Member, EAFM Dept.
   University of Rajasthan

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