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Economic Affairs
Year 2023, Volume-68, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN: 0424-2513
Online ISSN: 0976-4666

Table of Contents

Debashis Sarkar

Research Papers

Comparative Growth Performance of Okra in Punjab and Haryana
Parveen Kumar Nimbrayan, Vishal Johar, Sarthi, Sakshi and Shivam

Factors Determining Labour Absorption in Agriculture in Different Agro-Climatic Regions of Rajasthan
Arjun Singh Rajput, Latika Sharma, Vikash Pawariya, Nishu Kumari, Shikha Yadav, P. Mishra and Akanksha Choudhary

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Kinnow and Major Traditional Crops (Wheat and Cotton) in Sirsa District of Haryana
Sumista Rani, Choote Lal and Rohtas

Determinants of Employee Fraud in Workplace: A Fraud Triangle Perspective
Amirah Mohd Sham, Kamaruzzaman Muhammad, Erlane K Ghani and Citra Sukmadilaga

Factors Influencing the Intention to Adopt Cloud Accounting Among Malaysian North Borneo SMEs: A TOE Model Approach
Liyana Nadhirah Kamal, Nur Syuhada Jasni, Fazlida Mohd Razali and Shazerinna Zainal Osman Shah

Green Intellectual Capital and Sustainable Performance of Hotels in Malaysia
Rabiaal Adawiyah Shazali, Amrizah Kamaluddin, Shukriah Sa’ad and Muhammad Khalique

Crop Insurance in Odisha - Progress, Deficit and Scope
Saddam Hossen Majumder, Biswajit Mondal and Nivedita Deka

Growth and Decomposition Analysis: Major Cereal Crops in Uttar Pradesh
Asawari Joshi, H.K. Balai and P.K. Malviya

Socio-economic Impact on Livelihood of Black Rice Growers in Manipur: Heckman Selection Model Approach
Manish Sharma, Ram Singh, N. Anandkumar Singh, L. Devarani and L. Hemochandra

Profitability and Resource Use Efficiency of Cabbage Production in Temperate Zone (High- Hills) of Himachal Pradesh
Parul Barwal, Subhash Sharma, Diksha Bali and Ekamdeep Kaur

Growth of Foodgrain Production in India
Mamta Rani and Rupinder Kaur

Economic Analysis of Value Added Product Vacuum Fried Carrot Chips
P. Babu, G.K. Rajesh, Jinukala Srinivas, S. Sai Mohan and Sudheer, K.P.

A Descriptive Study on the Performance of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) and Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) Schemes in Nagaland
Nchumbeni S Ovung and Debojit Konwar

Economic Analysis of Shiitake Mushroom Cultivation as an Agribusiness Enterprise in India
Shweta Bijla and V.P. Sharma

Comparative Exploration of Traditional versus Improved Cultivation Practices vis-à-vis Return on Investment of Jute Production System in Lower Gangetic Plain of India
Amrita Kumar Sarkar and Sudhanand Prasad Lal

Deriving Willingness to Pay: A Framework for Environmental Protection
Ujwal Prakash

Composting of Natural Fibre Wastes for Preparation of Organic Manures and Bio-enhancers
Nilimesh Mridha, Deb Prasad Ray, Atul Singha, Avijit Das, Manik Bhowmick, Rakesh Kumar Ghosh, Manjunatha, B.S., Biplab Saha, Alok Nath Roy, Laxmikanta Nayak and Amit Das

Assessment of Cost of Cultivation, Resource Use Efficiency and Constraints in Cumin Production in Jodhpur District of Rajasthan
Uttam Chand, M. Anoop and Avdhesh Sharma

A Snapshot of Food Accessibility and Dietary Diversity of Households in a Marginal Farmer Dominant Economy: A Study in Birbhum, West Bengal
Shibani Bagchi and Archita Ghosh

The Role of Customs Control in Ensuring Economic Security in the Conditions of European Integration Trends in the Development of Public Administration Systems
Roman Pasichnyi, Vita Harbarynina, Iryna Kveliashvili, Halyna Razumei, Dominika Rosłoń and Vasyl Mykhalchuk

Economic Analysis of Litchi Production in Muzaffarpur District of Bihar
Sandeep Kumar, Sargam Swami, Meera Kumari, Anita Kumari and C.K. Panda

Dynamics of Maize Production in Changing Climatic Scenario of Bihar: A Stochastic Frontier Approach
Vijay Kumar, Ashish Ranjan Sinha and S.M. Rahaman

Role of Kitchen Gardening in Ensuring Food Security among Rural People of Jharkhand
Shamsul Akhtar and Debashis Sarkar

Digital Education: Its Uses and Perception among the Students of Raiganj University and Adjacent Institutions - The Social, Technological & Economical Context
P.K. Paul

Review Papers

SWOT Analysis of Indirect Tax System: From the Perspectives of the Lower Income Group in Malaysia
Nur Erma Suryani Mohd Jamel, Nadiah Abd Hamid, Zarinah Abdul Rasit, Karsam and Saifulrizan Norizan

Thematic Review Paper on Business Zakat from 2015 to 2020
Nurul Fatma Aziz@Awang, Rosiati Ramli, Amizawati Mohd Amir, Hairunnizam Wahid, Siti Maziah Ab Rahman and Saliza Sulaiman

Developing Pathway towards Fraud Prevention in an Organization: The Application of Levers of Control and Fraud Diamond Theory
Noor Hasniza Haron, Norhayati Alias, Tuan Zainun Tuan Mat and Mazurina Mohd Ali

Human Right and Stable Economic Growth: Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility
Ahmad Aref Almazari, Oyewobi Ifeoluwapo Adebimpe and Mazurina Mohd Ali

A Qualitative Investigation on Risk Management Implementation in the Malaysian Public Sector
Azleen Ilias, Nasrudin Baidi, Erlane K Ghani and Akrom Omonov

Public Management and Legal Support of Economic Modernization of Society
Peter Jakúbek, Viera Guzonova, Olha Rudenko, Mykola Latynin and Sergey Stepanenko

A Company’s Digital Goodwill: The Concept and Valuation Possibilities
Larysa Tiesheva and Ihor Smyrnov

The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Companies’ Strategic Management
Vasyl Goi, Iryna Ahieieva, Kostiantyn Mamonov, Svitlana Pavliuk and Andrii Dligach

Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and Ways of Achieving Them in a Global Dimension
Mykhailo Goncharenko, Viktoriia Myronchuk, Yuliia Lemko, Yaryna Zavada and Oksana Kruchinina

Mechanisms of Post-War Economic Recovery in Ukraine: The Role of the International Community
Mykhaylo Kocherov, Olha Dzhyhora, Mariia Dykha, Valentyna Lukianova and Valentyna Polozova

Modernization of the Taxation System for Harmful Substances Emissions Caused by Vehicles
Danylo Bevzo, Maksym Pavlovskyi, Danylo Vankovych, Vira Kmit and Roksolana Paslavska

Preparation of Theoretical and Practical Recommendations for the Transformation of the Economic Security System of Enterprises during the Digitization Process
Olena Khadzhynova

Smart Cities and its Economic Aspects: An Indian Perspective
Nilanjan Das, Ritam Chatterjee, Abhijit Bandyopadhyay and Mahabubul Hoque

Case Study

Exploring Challenges in Managing Operational Risk Among Micro and Small Enterprises
Rina Fadhilah Ismail, Nur Hayati Ab Samad and Agung Nur Probohudono

Preserving Human Capital in Ukraine in Times of War
Olha Hapieieva, Volodymyr Sarychev, Adel Bykova, Dmytro Dziuba and Oleksandr Pohorilyi


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