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Aims and Scope

The IITM Journal is a peer reviewed print and online journal that publishes Review/Research articles which contribute new theoretical results in all areas of Management and Information Technology. This journal provides a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends that needs more focus and exposure. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

 •    Organizational Behavior

 •    Managerial Economics

 •    Business Environment

 •    Marketing Management

 •    Consumer Behavior

 •    Brand Management

 •    Services Marketing

 •    Financial Management

 •    Investment & Portfolio Management

 •    International Business

 •    Entrepreneurship Development

 •    Management Accounting

 •    Human Resource Management

 •    Training and Development

 •    Operations Management

 •    Artificial Intelligence & Pattern/Image Recognition

 •    Neural Network

 •    Soft computing

 •    Data Base Management Systems (DBMS)

 •    Digital Signal Processing

 •    Mobile Agent Computing

 •    Possibility Theory, Bayes Network and Hidden Model

 •    Models for Authentication, Trust and Authorization

 •    Information Hiding

 •    E- Commerce

 •    Data & System Integrity

 •    Access Control and Intrusion Detection

 •    Computational Intelligence and Granular Computing

 •    Current problems and novel solutions

 •    Smart Environments and Applications

 •    Systems Security and Privacy

 •    Systems Software Engineering

 •    Ubiquitous Computing and Applications

 •    Vehicular Networks and Applications

 •    Digital Image Processing

 •    Computer Network and security

 •    Data Mining and warehousing

 •    Bio Computing and Bioinformatics Techniques

 •    Operating Systems

 •    Parallel & Distributed Computing

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