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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year 2014, Volume-28, Issue-3 (September-December)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664
Online ISSN : 2456-8716

Table of contents

Agricultural diversification in India: Impact for inclusiveness1
P. K. Joshi

Economic diversification and labour market dynamics in rural India
T.S. Papola

Theme - I

Interface of organized retailing and state agricultural marketing acts

Food retail chain as an alternate marketing channel in India
Kedar Vishnu, Parmod Kumar

Promotion of power operated rice transplanters under ppp mode in Odisha: An inter zonal analysis
P. Samal, B. Mondal

Vertical integration and contracting in the Indian Poultry Sector: A study of broiler farming in Maharashtra
S. S. Kalamkar, A.G. Atkare

Organized retail: Welcome move for competition
Sangeeta Shroff, Jayanti Kajale

Summaries of Theme I

Do farmers benefit from organised retailing?: A review
A. Narayanamoorthy, P. Alli, R. Suresh

Impact of production of banana through group farming on farmers economy in Konkan region
J.M. Talathi, P.J. Kshirsagar

Interface of organised of retailing marketing and state marketing acts agriculture
G.P. Reddy, N. Sivaramane, P.C. Meena

An economic analysis of production and marketing of onion in Perambalur distrit of Tamil Nadu
M. Thilagavathi, V. Karthick, T. Alagumani

A case study on organised retailing and a supply chain management system
Munish Alagh

Contract farming in India: A review
A.V. Manjunatha, K. B. Ramappa, B. T. Lavanya

An economic study on structure and performance of marine fish marketing in Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu
R. Thulasiram, A. Daniel Viswasam Samuel, S. Senthil Kumar

Production and market arrivals of paddy in APMC Bangarpet Karnataka: A trend analysis
Syed Rizwan Ahmed, T.N. Venkata Reddy, Murtuza Khan

Organized retail: Welcome move for competition
Sangeeta Shroff, Jayanti Kajale

Food retail chain as an alternate marketing channel in India
Kedar Vishnu, Parmod Kumar

Comparative economics of organised and unorganised retailing-A case study of palamudhir nilayam for cabbage in Coimbatore city
G. Suresh, V. Banumathy

Theme - II

Role of women in agricultural marketing

Direct marketing of vegetable in Sri Lanka: Possibilities for women participation as an income diversification strategy
E.A.C. Priyankara

Summaries of Theme II

Business and marketing strategies of SHGS in food processing
Dimple Tresa Abraham, S.S. Kalamkar

Production and marketing of cut-flower among naga women in Nagaland
M. Khriemenuo Pusa Giribabu

Participation of women in agricultural Activities in Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) area of Udaipur district
G. L. Meena, S. S. Burark, Hari Singh

Extent of women participation in sugarcane production and marketing in India
A.K. Sharma, Brahm Prakash

Immense scope for women in sugarcane based cottage industries
Brahm Prakash, A.K. Sharma, Mohd. Ashfaque

“Role of women in agricultural marketing”
Ramjilal Choudhary, Shikha Rathore

Theme - III

Agribusiness Initiatives in Gujarat State

Horticulture Sector Making New Strides in Gujarat in the post Reform Period
C. Hema Sundari

AGribusiness initiatives in Gujarat
T. B. Parihar, S. S. Kalamkar, M. Swain

WTO, export potential and standards for export of cumin seed with special reference to Gujarat state
Vinod Kumar

A study on trading of seed spices (CUMIN) in Gujarat state
S.P. Bhardwaj

Summaries of Theme III

Economics of onion dehydration: Towards driving agribusiness development in Gujarat
N.J. Ardeshna, S.B. Vekariya, R. L. Shiyani, V. L. Gondaliya

Assessment of agribusiness success models under co-operative and private sector-A case of Indian dairy industry
Deepak Shah

Contract farming-Present scenario in poultry sector in Anand district of Gujarat
Sanjiv Kumar, Shakti Ranjan Panigrahy

Agricultural performance and agri-business potential in Gujarat
Mrutyunjay Swain, S.S. Kalamkar, Kalpana Kapadia

Seed industry in Gujarat: Estimation of supply, adoption and costing of quality seed
S.S. Kalamkar, M. Swain, S. R. Bhaiya

Export opportunities and competitiveness of vegetable crops in Gujarat
Vivek Pal, Ganga Devi, K. S. Jadav, Y C Zala

Impact of frontline demonstration on yield enhancement of pearl millet
G. M. Parmar, A. C. Mehta, P. R. Padhar

A study of marketed surplus and marketing cost of foodgrian in Gujarat: A case study of paddy at micro level
Shantilal. R. Bhaiya

Uprising of women participation in agricultural marketing
Nisha M. Thaker, Jagruti D. Bhatt, Kalpesh Kumar, Pratixa M. Thaker, Viral Chaudhari


Recommendations Theme 1 on Interface of Organized Retailing and State Agricultural Markets


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