Marketing Efficiency of Pear in Amritsar District of Punjab Kaur Komalpreet, Kaur Randeep, Barwal Parul, Kaur Lavleen Department of Agriculture, Khalsa College, Amritsar (Punjab) 143002 Online Published on 02 September, 2024. Abstract For the present study, a sample of 85 pear growers was drawn from Amritsar by using multi-stage random cum purposive sampling technique. The marketing of pear was studied by three marketing channels, viz. I: Producer ➝ Pre-harvest contractor ➝ Commission agent ➝ Retailer ➝ Consumer; II: Producer ➝ Pre-harvest contractor ➝ Retailer ➝ Consumer; III: Producer ➝ Pre-harvest contractor ➝ Wholesaler ➝ Retailer ➝ Consumer. The producer’s share in consumer rupee was the highest in Channel II (47.35%) followed by channel III (43.85%) and channel I (41.45%). The channel II was the most efficient with marketing efficiency of 0.95 as compared to channel III (0.78%) and channel-I (0.73). The major constraints faced by pear growers were unavailability of local market, unavailability of skilled labour, high initial orchard investment, etc. The study suggested that government should support price policy and strengthen the existing extension services in the niche area carved especially for pear. Top Keywords Pear, Marketing efficiency, Marketing channels, Constrains. Top | |
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