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Author Guidelines


The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction (IJAR) is the official organ of the Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR) and publishes basic/applied research articles, short communication and case reports in the field of Veterinary Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Andrology, Semenology, Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer and other Assisted Reproductive Technologies. The journal is published biannually i.e. June and December. The manuscripts are subjected to a thorough peer-review by referees and journal publishes only well-written manuscripts contributing towards scientific and practical advancement in the field of reproduction. The publication language of journal is English. The manuscripts are accepted for publication with the understanding that they have not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere in any language. The manuscript will be accepted after editorial revision based on comments. The manuscript found unsuitable for publication in the IJAR will be communicated to the author and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. The decision of the editorial board shall be final. The responsibility with regard to the data and technical details of the article would be with the authors. The copyright of manuscripts, accepted for publication, rests with ISSAR.

Manuscript Submission

The manuscript submission and review process is handled online. To submit an article to The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, please go to ---------------- create an account and submit the manuscript.Please ensure that the corresponding author's valid email is present in the manuscript. Authors submitting a manuscript need to upload online Author's Declaration Certificate along with the manuscript as a supplementary file. The research article, short communication or case report should be strictly formatted as mentioned below.

Review Article: The length including figures, tables and references, should not exceed 4,000 words.The standard format of review article shall include abstract, keywords, review and references. Other guidelines as mentioned in original research article shall be followed. The main focus of review should be the research carried out by the authors in India.

Research Article: The length including figures, tables and references, should not exceed 2,000 words.The standard format of original research article must be as per the example given in the box below. Themanuscript must be computer typed (Arial, font 12) with single spacing using standard software (Microsoft Word). Margins should be 2.54 cm on Top and Bottom and 3.17 cm on Left and Right. Title should be concise, informative and containing keywords necessary to enable retrieval by search engines. Abstract should limit to maximum 150 words. The abstract should not just contain repeated/rewritten results. Efforts should be made to give principal significant findings only and concluding the findings keeping in view the importance of work done. The abstract should be self-explanatory to generate interest in the reader for reading/citing the article. Keywords should be five and alphabetically arranged. Introduction should be related to parameters done in the study and justifying the importance of work carried out. Materials and Methods should be described in sufficient detail (animal management, methods, statistics etc.) to allow for repetition of the experiments. Results and Discussion should focus on the interpretation of findings and repetition of data in text, already presented in table should be avoided. Figure and Table number should be kept to a minimum. Tables should be elegantly made, in a vertical format and within the page margins. Photographs or drawings must be sharp, of high contrast and to be submitted in JPEG format. All the figures and tables should be referred in the text.

References: Citations in the text should be given by placing in parenthesis the name(s) of author(s) and the year of publication, e.g. (Rao, 1996), (Mann and Lamming, 2001), (Binelliet al., 2001), (Rao, 1996; Binelliet al., 2001 and Mann and Lamming, 2001). Avoid writing citations in text as Rao (1996) reported??, Binelliet al. (2001) found??. All publications cited in the text should be presented in the form of list arranged alphabetically according to author's surnames. The number of references should be restricted to maximum 15. The examples are given for citing a journal article and a book (chapter). For conference proceedings, include the name(s) of the editor(s) of the proceedings, the publisher and the place of publication. References of thesis and dissertations more than three year old should be avoided.

Rao, A.R. (1996). Pioneers in Animal Reproduction. Indian J. Anim. Reprod., 17(2):1546-1547.

Mann, G.E. and Lamming, G.E. (2001). Relationship between maternal endocrine environment, early embryo development and inhibition of luteolytic mechanism in cows. Reproduction, 121(1): 175-180.

Binelli, M., Thatcher, W.E., Mattos, R. and Baruselli, P.S. (2001). Antiluteolytic strategies to improve fertility in cattle. Theriogenology, 56:1451-1463.

Niemann, H., and Elsaesser, F. (1983). Steroid hormones in early pig embryo development. In: Bavister, B.D. (ed.), The Mammalian preimplantation Embryo. 1st ed., Plenum Press, New York. pp. 117-132.

Units and abbreviations: Any abbreviations of chemical, biological, veterinary, or other terms should only be employed when it is certain that they are internationally known. The full name must be stated in brackets when the abbreviation is first used in the manuscript. Metric system should be followed in the manuscript. Authors are requested to use the following abbreviations. Body weight - b wt, Kilogram - kg, International Units - IU, Centimeter - cm, Kilo calories - kcal, At the rate of - @, Count per minute - cpm, Milligram - mg, et al - et al, Cubic centimeter - cm3, Microgram - ?g, Inch - in, Square centimeter - cm2, Millilitre - ml, Intramuscular - im, Degree centigrade - ?C, Microlitre - ?l, Intravenous - iv, Degree Fahrenheit - ?F, Picogram - pg, Subcutananeous - sc, Decilitre - dl, Parts per million - ppm, Once a day - od, Gram - g, Hour(s) - h, Twice a day - bid, Litre - l, Minute(s) - min, Thrice a day - tid, Metre - m, Second(s) - sec, Revolution per min - rpm, Per cent - %, Year(s) - yr, Artificial Insemination - AI.

Short communication: In the same general format as full-length research manuscripts, but should not exceed 1,200 words including tables and illustrations. The subheadings, except for ABSTRACT, Keywords, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and REFERENCES, should not be written in the manuscript. The manuscript under this head should be clearly marked "Short Communication" at the right hand corner, on the top of the first page of manuscript. Photos and tables (Vertical format) should be restricted to one.

Case reports: Case reports of interesting and rare nature sent for publication should not exceed 1,000 words including references and illustrations. The manuscript should contain ABSTRACT, Keywords, INTRODUCTION, CASE HISTORY AND OBSERVATIONS, TREATMENT AND DISCUSSION and REFERENCES. Photos, if any, should be restricted to one.

Publication charges
For publication in the IJAR, presently the journal levies Rs. 500/- (Five hundred only) per article as processing and publication charges. If authors and co-authors are not life member of the ISSAR then each one has to pay Rs. 300 in addition to the publication charges. The details of payment through electronic mode will be communicated following acceptance of the manuscript.

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