Estimation of Web Proxy Server Cache Size using G/G/1 Queuing Model Srivastava Riktesh1,* 1Assistant Professor, Information Systems, Skyline University College, University City of Sharjah, Sharjah, PO 1797, UAE. * Email ID: rsrivastava@skylineuniversity.com
Abstract Continuous boost in the number of Internet users has taken an exponential escalation over the years. It is becoming thorny to endow with services to all the Internet users because of infrastructural precincts of WWW. Caching web object at proxy servers has proven to be one of the preeminent alternatives for fast services. Caching web proxy server improves the performance of overall web access. Since the introduction of Web proxy servers, most of the evaluations studies are performed either on Web-replacement algorithms or methodologies of maintaining the data in cache. Only few of studies have been done assuring Web proxy server cache size. This paper describes the methodology of estimating the cache size under high busty traffic situation. An investigational evaluation study applying M/M/1 Queuing Theory methodology is first appraised and then experimented. The study uses a trace- driven simulation framework, real traces containing approximately 10 10 number of user's requests per unit time, and then evaluates the Optimal Cache Size (CS optimaI) using G/G/1 Queue Analysis.. Top Keywords Web Proxy Server, M/M/1 Queuing Model, G/G/1 Queuing Model, Optimal Cache Size. Top | | | |
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