Effect of anaesthetic drug used in CPB on the health of the perfusionist Srinivasan Dharini, Roythankachen, Sankar M., Sahajanandan Raj, Gnanamuthu Roy, Kuruvilla Korah Dept of CTVS, CMCH, Vellore Online published on 7 December, 2019. Abstract Exposure of workers to waste anaesthetic gases in the operating and recovery rooms of hospitals is of concern because of the reported adverse effects of such gases on the health of personnel in this occupational group [1]. In contrast to Halothane, an agent likely to cause mutagenic effects and proven to be teratogenic — Isoflurane and Enflurane have not so far been proved to have adverse effects on the health of personnel exposed long term[2]. The sole use of intravenous drugs such as Propofol instead of volatile agents, were this possible, would eliminate occupational exposure. Aim The Aim of this study was to compare the effects of inhalational & intravenous anaesthetic agent on the health of the Perfusionist & other members of the cardiac surgical team To increase the awareness among the health care professionals about the effects of inhalational anesthetic agents & to make Health care professionals aware of the Green OT concept Top | |
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