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Editorial Board

Prof.(Dr.) Vinai K. Singh
    Department Of Applied Mathematics,
    Raj Kumar Goel Engineering College,
    NH-24 Delhi Hapur Road UP 245304 INDIA,

    Assistant Professor,
    Post Graduate & Research Department of
    Periyar E.V.R.College (Autonomous),
    Tiruchirappalli-620 024. Tamilnadu,

Dr. Stelyus L. Mkoma
    Senior Lecturer,
    Department of Physical Sciences,
    Faculty of Science,
    Sokoine University of Agriculture,
    P.O.Box 3038, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro.

    Dean & Professor,
    Panimalar Engineering College,
    Poonamallee, Chennai- 600123, affiliated to
    Anna university,
    Chennai, Tamilnadu,

Dr. Umesh Patel
    Sr. Librarian,
    Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of

Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay
    Associate Professor,
    Dept. of Civil Engineering,
    College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra

Prof.Sumanta Dutta
    Assistant Professor,and Vising Faculty,
    St.Xavier's College (autonomous),
    Dept of Business Administration
    Dinabandhu Andrews Institute of Technology
    and Management,

Dr. S. Selvamuthukumaran
    Professor, Computer Applications,
    A.V.C College of Engineering,
    Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai,
    Nagapattinam District,

Wilson Wesley Lazaro Jere
    (Head of Department and Senior Lecturer in
    Fish Genetics),
    Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural
    Resources (LUANAR),
    Aquaculture and Fisheries Science Department,
    Bunda College Campus,
    P. O. Box 219, Lilongwe,

    Asso. Prof.,
    Bharathidasan Govt college For women
    Department of Physics,

Nrip Jit
    Assoicate Professor,
    Department of Mechanical Engineering,
    Beant College of Engineering & Technology
    (Govt. of Punjab),
    Gurdaspur -143521, Punjab,

Vedam Ramamurthy
    Professor of Physics and Head of the
    TJPS College ,Guntur,

Dr. Ho Soon Min
    Senior Lecturer,
    Faculty of Applied Sciences,
    INTI International University,
    Persiaran Perdana BBN,
    Putra Nilai, 71800 Nilai,

Dr. Ashok G. Matani
    Associate Professor,
    Mechanical Engineering Department,
    Govt. College of Engineering, V.M. V. P. O.,

Er. Pankaj Bhambri
    Asstt. Professor & Training Coordinator,
    (Information Technology Department),
    O/Ic. & Program Officer (NSS Unit),
    O/Ic. (College CCTV Committee),
    Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College,
    Gill-Park, Ludhiana-141006,

Dr. Vasudeo Zambare
    Vice President,
    Powerdeal Energy Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd,
    Nashik 422010

Dr. Lalan Kumar
    Senior Scientist,
    Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research
    Erstwhile Central Mining Research Institute
    Barwa Road, Dhanbad,

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