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Year : 2023, Volume : 10, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 1)
Print ISSN : 2348-7437. Online ISSN : 2454-9533. Published online : 2023  21.
Article DOI : 10.30954/2348-7437.1.2023.1

Metaverse technologies and emergence in diverse fields

Online published on 21 May, 2024.

Information and Communication Technology is rapidly changing and developing modern world with various sub-fields of this technology, and among these Metaverse is impacting and emerging due to its benefits of virtual platform and support of three-dimensional nature. Metaverse is combines with virtual reality and also online gaming, and social media; and this is play a leading role in interacting each other digitally. Further such communication is possible in persistent and more active and realtime in nature in certain context, further it is required in effective and proper ecosystem development. Metaverse is dedicated in entertainment areas and avoid the disadvantages of geographical boundaries, and thus is offers different valuable services like developing massive virtual universe for the users like real world context. It offers beyond gaming and offers socializing, education and learning, smooth and effective business opportunities. As far as education segment is concerned, Metaverse is Rapidly evolving with various teaching methods, latest digital smart classes. Metaverse is dedicated in bringing and modernizing virtual world and this is also reflecting in digital and online education systems and blended with effectiveness, entertaining features.

Metaverse technologies can be considered as effective and easy to understand in learning of History and Heritage Management. Any old story is possible to represent digitally using Metaverse and therefore students can feel ‘like-real’. For example the aspects of Black Revolution or French Revolution are possible to interpret easily using VR supported by the Metaverse related systems. Similarly Geography or Environmental Science related areas can be easily possible different aspects of Geography using AR & VR and here supported tools and technologies can be used from Metaverse. Some of the topics like Solar System, Water Systems, Soil Systems is possible to clear and easy to understand using virtual context and real-life experience can be gathered effectively.

Metaverse is effectively useful and applied in various Basic Science related aspects and thohts clarification in laboratory management which include aspects of virtual setup, healthy anatomy feeling, establishment of different physical and life science related matters and experiments. Various common basic science matters like Mass and gravity, Newton's weight, etc. effectively understandable using Metaverse supported systems. Regarding Art and Sculpture using Metaverse students and learners can learn the art and sculpture products virtually and similarly as far as Language and Literature is concerned this technology is very much effective and essential for any thoughts clarification and also to understand any novel concept digitally for giving original feeling. Therefore worldwide the systems, procedure and mechanism is increasing and advancing throughout using Metaverse and allied technologies.



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