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Author Guidelines

Special Instructions: The author should send a soft copy of the manuscript containing three things i.e. Cover page, Abstract, and Manuscript. The author(s) name must not be mentioned anywhere else except cover page of the research paper/article. Authors should submit the manuscript along with dully filled soft copy of Copyright Warranty and Authorization form. Length of paper must not exceed 5000 words.

Manuscript: Manuscript must be in English prepared on a standard A4 size paper setting. It must be prepared in 12-point Times New Roman Font on a single space and single column with 1" margin set for top, bottom, left and right.

Title page & Abstract: Manuscripts of a paper should have a cover page providing the title of the paper, the name(s), address, phone, fax numbers and e-mail address of all authors and acknowledgments, if any. Please restrict the author - related information only to cover page. Further, please mention the subject under which the paper should be included.

Abstract should be in fully justified and italicized text. It must not exceed 500 words. The abstract should elaborate research background and methodology. The major finding(s) and conclusion must be presented in brief. Abbreviations must be mentioned in full. Background, Aims, Methodology, Results/Findings, and Conclusion are essential elements of the abstract. Maximum 4-6 keywords, listed alphabetically, separated by commas, and full stop at the end.

Body: The body of the paper following the abstract should be single-space, and both left and right justified. First-level headings should be centered, boldface, with the "SIZE14" (Following the abstract, include a first level heading before the first paragraph of the body of the paper to clearly separate the two).

Figures, Tables & Equations: There should be simple, centered, separately numbered & self-explained, and titles must be above the tables/figures. Sources of data should be mentioned below the table/figure. It should be ensured that tables/figures are referred to from the main text.

Equations should be consecutively numbered in parentheses, horizontally centered with equation number placed at the right.

Exhibits & Appendices: Exhibits may be included with each one appearing on a separate page. Exhibits should be typed as close as possible to the location where they are cited. Headings should be centered, boldface, and capitalized above the exhibit. The size of the heading for each exhibit should be "SIZE 12".


The references in the text should be handled with the use of last name, year of publication and page number. The bibliography should include those reference cited in the text of the paper, boldface and "SIZE 12". References should be listed on a separate page at the end of the paper. A line must be skipped between references. Bibliography should be in APA Format.

Covering Letter for Submission

The cover letter should include the following information:

  • The Title of the Manuscript

  • The Full Name of Author(s)

  • Designation

  • Affiliation

  • Mailing Address

  • Mobile & Landline Number(s)

  • E-mail Address(s)

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