Job satisfaction of primary school teachers Mrs. Rani B. Swaroopa*, Neeraja P.** *Assistant Professor, Department of Home science, S.V. Uinversity, Tirupati **Research Scholar, Department of Home science, S.V. Uinversity, Tirupati Online published on 7 June, 2014. Abstract Primary school teachers play an important role in our educational system and this role could be played with some pressures. Pressures or stress can be advantageous to some extent but, excessive job stress can lead to negative consequences. The present investigation was undertaken to study the levels of job-satisfaction of primary school teachers. The study was conducted in Tirupati town, multi stage random sampling technique was used to select the sample. The sample comprises of 64 (32 male teachers and 32 female teachers) from private and government schools of Tirupati town. The teachers were selected according to their work experience that is below 5 years and above 5 years. Job satisfaction inventory developed by R.S. Mishra (1993) was used know the levels of job satisfaction of primary school teachers. The results revealed that there was significant positive relationship between teacher's job satisfaction and their age, length of service. Teachers differed significantly in their job-satisfaction with reference to gender and income. The level of education is significantly affected the primary school teacher's job satisfaction. Top | |
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