Structuring Climate Change brick by BRICS Mathur Gauri Narain Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi Online published on 10 December, 2021. Abstract The 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly revolved around the central theme of Sustainable Development Goals directed at attaining poverty and hunger ridden world; premised upon a healthy environment, peace, prosperity, partnership for the present as well as future generations. In this context one should ponder upon the thirteenth Sustainable Development Goal that focuses on the issue of Climate Change which in turn reflects a grave danger to the process of development. Climate Change exercises a disproportionate influence by burdening the poorest and least developed nation states. This calls upon the requirement of an immediate action to be undertaken by the international community which can act as a catalyst in terms of minimizing its impact and the disruptions caused. Climate change has by and large aggravated the natural disasters wherein it has been reported that an estimate around 1.6 million suffered death from 1990 to 2013. As a consequence of this, most of the nation states have more or less opted for national as well as local disaster reduction strategies. Thus by the year of 2015 it can be clearly argued that almost 83 countries implemented legislative provisions for reducing disaster risk. In this context it needs to be noted that it was during the year 2016, wherein around 175 member nation states entered a landmark treaty i.e. Paris Climate Accord under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In this context it becomes imperative to examine the role of regional groupings and their contribution to the 13th Sustainable Development Goal. Regional initiatives like European Union aims at averting dangers of Climate Change, which is considered the utmost priority. European Union aims to achieve a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emission and increase in energy efficiency by the year 2020. Another fundamental regional grouping ASEAN has impacted significantly as far as the issue of Climate Change is concerned by ratifying Doha Amendment, Kyoto Protocol and by charting out contribution even before COP 21 held in Paris in the year 2015. Regional groupings at the global south are the considered to be harbinger of change. There is a widespread assumption that the multilateral groupings like, BRICS response to Climate Change is critical to the fate of international system. These five largest emerging economies Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa exercise a considerable influence on global sustainability. This paper seeks to analyse the response of BRICS to the global Climate Change and its impact. Top | | |
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