Invertis Journal of Science & Technology Year 2021, Volume-14, Issue-4 (October-December) Print ISSN: 0973-8940 Online ISSN: 2454-762X
Table of Contents
COVID-19: A Comprehensive Review with Special Emphasis on Paediatric CasesGaurav Gupta and Ravi DevalDOI:10.5958/2454-762X.2021.00018.4
Investigation and Validation of Structures with Variation in Location of Increased Length and Discontinuation of Vertical ElementAnurag Wahane, Swaraj Padamwar, Devendra Sahu and Jivendra DewanganDOI:10.5958/2454-762X.2021.00019.6
Accessibility and Management of Health Services in a Health Center During Pandemic: A Qualitative Case StudySmriti Sharma and H. SharmaDOI:10.5958/2454-762X.2021.00020.2
Technical Analysis and Mathematical Formulations of Infrared Signatures for Performance Optimization of Aircraft and Gas Turbine SystemsKamal Nain ChopraDOI:10.5958/2454-762X.2021.00021.4