Year 2012, Volume-13, Issue-1 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0972-1738
Online ISSN : 2249-8796 Table of contents Editorial Assisted Reproductive Biotechnologies for improving Animal Productivity Dr. Nitin Bhatia Review Articles Biosecurity and Public Health Challenges in Veterinary facilities with special reference to India and other developing countries Katie Steneroden, M.D. Salman, K. Satish Kumar, Nitin Bhatia, Sangeeta Rao Managing Calf Scours - A Herd health approach A. Kumaresan, S. S. Layek, T. K. Mohanty, T. Patbandha, Shiv Prasad Deworming and its Clinical importance in Calf health management Satyendra Pal Singh, S. P. Pachauri Mineral Supplementation and its relevance in improving conception rate in Anestrus and Repeat Breeding Heifers P.C. Behera, M. Das, D.P. Tripathy, B. Panigrahi, N. Panda Anovular Heat in a Cow and its treatment Ankesh Kumar, S.K. Chaudhary, R.P. Pandey Clinical Management of Repeat Breeding Syndrome in Bovines Rajesh Kumar, R.K. Singh, J.B. Singh, Sudhakar Singh Therapeutic use of Immunomodulators in Endometritic cows and their effect on WBC and RBC indices D.K. Sarma, Balraj Singh, M.P. Singh, B.K. Tiwary, M.P. Sinha Mycotic Endometritis in Cows and its Therapeutic management Shweta Sharma, Madhumeet Singh Estrual Prolapse and its Clinical Management in Bovines -A Report of Three cases K. Mouli Krishna, S. Dharani, K. Prabhakar Rao, K. Sambasiva Rao Prolapse of Umbilical cord in a Neonatal calf and its Management Debasis Jana, Mousumi Ghosh Jana Bovine Puerperal Metritis and its Management - A Report of Two cases C. F. Chaudhari, V. S. Dabas, N.F. Chaudhari, L. C. Modi Chronic Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse with Follicular cyst in a Pluriparous cow and its management Sudhir Kumar, Utsav Sharma, Sharad Kumar Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse in a Non-pregnant Khillar cow and its management H.S. Birade, R.R. Shelar, A.N. Zope Teat Fistula and its Surgical management in Bovines N. Aruljothi, T.P. Balagopalan, B. Rameshkumar, R.M.D. Alphonse Reticular Foreign body syndrome in Mehsana buffaloes R.M. Patel, P.B. Patel, J.B. Patel Intestinal Evisceration in a Cow calf and its Surgical management Raju Sharda, S.K. Tiwari, Narendra Naik Ventral Hernia in a Heifer and its Surgical management B.V. Desai, P.R. Parab Needle Aspiration technique for the management of Hyphema in a Bullock R.B. Kushwaha, J.S. Soodan, Sharad Kumar Bilateral Ankyloblepharon congenita and its Surgical management in a Calf Subhash Chandra Prasad Singh Abducent nerve palsy in a Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) N. Chand, Ashwani Kumar, S.K. Uppal, K. Dua Acute Surra in Buffaloes and its Therapeutic management -A Report of Two cases Ajit Kumar, Arvind Kumar Das, Suman Kumar Therapeutic management of Theileriosis in milch animals -A Report of Two cases E. Jayanna, C. Ravikumar, P.S. Chethan Comparative efficacy of different antibiotics against Calf diarrhea K.P. Singh, S.V. Singh, J.P. Singh, P. Singh, H.N. Singh Actinomycosis in a Bull - A Case Report H.K. Mehta, S.S. Mehesare, S. Pradhan Pica in Buffaloes with special reference to its etiology and treatment A. S. Lengare, A. U. Bhikane, S. S. Ghoke, K. B. Awaz Clinico-Therapeutic Management of Cutaneous Papillomatosis in a Buffalo calf K.M. Dileepkumar, Md. Moin Ansari Brisket Fibroma and its Surgical management in Buffaloes V. S. Dabas, P. D. Vihol, D. N. Suthar, S. K. Jhala, R. H. Bhatt Surgical Management of Ameloblastoma in a Cow – A Case Report T.P. Balagopalan, R.M.D. Alphonse, N. Aruljothi, B. Ramesh Kumar Surgical correction of Atresia Ani in a Lamb and Kid B. Bharti, S.K. Singhal, R. Bijyal Pre-partum Prolapse in a Deccani ewe and its Surgical management P. M. Mane, V. L. Patil, D. S. Rasane Coenurosis and its Surgical management in a Kid A. Velavan, H. Pushkinraj, B. Justin William Caprine Schistosomiosis and its Therapeutic management R. Bhoyar, S.K. Shivanand, S.C. Halmandge, Vivek R. Kasaralikar, N.A Patil Caseous Lymphadenitis and its management in a Goat K. Hemanna Gowda, S.Y. Baddi, A.M. Nagesh Canine Blood Transfusions S. Purohit, M.K. Srivastava, V. Malik, Ashish Srivastava, R.P. Pandey Clinical Articles Clinical Management of Ailments with Blood Transfusion in Canines J.A. Quazi, K. Kachwaha, M.C. Parashar, S. Palecha, T.K. Gahlot Acute Anaemia and its Therapeutic management by Blood Transfusion in a Pup Sujata Turkar, R. Ranjan, Amol Sarode, D. Kumar, C. Bhutia Nuclear Scintigraphy - A Diagnostic modality for Hepatic Obstruction in a Dog H.P. Vishe, R.V. Gaikwad, V.K. Singh, D.G. Dighe, D.V. Keskar Kerato-Conjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) and its Therapeutic management with Ophthalmic Nanosomal Tacrolimus in Dogs J.P. Varshney, P.S. Chaudhary, V.V. Deshmukh, Prajwalita Sutaria Cranial Esophageal Diverticulum and its Surgical correction in a Dog Kh. Sangeeta Devi, A. K. Gangwar, H.N. Singh Gastric Foreign Body and its Surgical management in a Dog Pankaj Gupta, Ankur Sharma, A.K. Gupta, R.B. Kushwaha, D.K. Dwivedi Intestinal Foreign Bodies and its Surgical management -A Report of Two cases P. Katiyar, D. Kumar, G. Kumar, R.P. Pandey Ileocolic Intussusception and its Surgical management in a Labrador Pup Vineet Kumar, Raja Aijaz Ahmad, Rekha Pathak Colonic Intussusception and its Surgical management in a Dog Mithilesh Kumar, Premlata Kumari Inguinal Hysterocele and Epiplocele in a Bitch D. Kalita, M. Choudhury, L. Sailo Ventro-lateral Abdominal Hernia in a Bitch and its Surgical management Munish Gupta Perineal Swelling in Dogs - Ultrasonographic/Radiological diagnosis and management Prem Singh, Praveen Kumar, Divya Agnihotri, R.K. Chandolia, S.M. Behl, Krishan Kumar Rectal Diverticulum and its Surgical management in a Dog A.K. Maji, Himangshu Palui, Jayanta Ghosh Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency and its Therapeutic management in a Dog J.P. Varshney, V.V. Deshmukh, P.S. Chaudhary Urethral Prolapse and its Surgical management in a Dog B. C. Das, R. Jayaprakash, R. Suresh Kumar Diagnosis and Management Polypoid lesions of the Gall bladder in a Dog Aissi. Adel Canine Pyometra and its Therapeutic management with Cloprostenol G. Aruna Kumari, T. Madhavarao, J. Basanti, K. Sadasivarao ‘Innie’ Vulva and associated Puppy Vaginitis - A Report of Five cases M. Shiju Simon, B. Justin William, T.A. Kannan Short Communications Occult Dirofilariasis in a Dog Hemant Kumar, Dipti Kiran Hepatozoonosis and its Therapeutic management in a Dog Tarun Kumar, Niddhi Arora, V.S. Rajora Canine Monocytic Ehrlichiosis and its Therapeutic management in a Dog A.K. Dixit, Pooja Dixit, P.C. Shukla Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and its Surgical Management in a Dog V. S. Dabas, C. F. Chaudhari Oral Odontoma and its Marginal Excision in a Dog P.D.S. Raghuvanshi, Y.K. Sharma, A. Maurya Real Time Ultrasonographic Assessment of Fetal Heart rates in early Pregnancy Mares Sandeep Kumar Mor, R.A. Luthra, A. Haldhar, R.K. Chandolia Chronic Pyometra and its Management in a Thoroughbred Mare Shivkumar Sharma, C.S. Sharma Unilateral Ovarian Leiomyoma and its management in a Friesian Mare J. Govaere, R. Ducatelle, J. Declercq, M. Hoogewijs, A. De Kruif Intestinal Evisceration and its Surgical management in a Kitten Deepak Kumar Kashyap, S.K. Tiwari, G.D. Kaushal Fecal Impaction and its Surgical management in a Cat Natasha R. Coutinho, S.D. Tripathi, D.U. Lokhande Cyclopic Monster in a Sow D.P. Autade, N.M. Markandeya, N.D. Deshmukh Therapeutic Management of Suppurative Wounds in an Asiatic Elephant (Elephus maximus) B. Justin William, H. Pushkin Raj, Capt. G.D. Rao Surgical retrieval of a Turkish towel from the Stomach of an Indian Cobra (Naja naja) Indramani Nath, Subharaj Samantara Therapeutic management of Chronic Respiratory Disease in a Turtle R. Ranjan, Rajsukhbir, S. Turkar, S. K. Mahajan, C.S. Randhawa Laparoscopic removal of Uterine cyst in a Rhesus macaque (Macaca mullata) Vijay Kumar, Sameer Rastogi, Prasenjit Dhar Top |