Azolla pinnata -A unconventional ruminant feed Narayan Vachaspati1,*, Miland Mahender2, Gahlot Kritika3 1Teaching Associate, Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (RAJUVAS), Navania, Vallabhnagar, Udaipur-313601 (Rajasthan) 2Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (RAJUVAS), Navania, VallabhnagarUdaipur-313601 (Rajasthan) 3Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (RAJUVAS), Navania, Vallabhnagar, Udaipur-313601 (Rajasthan) *Corresponding author. E-mail:
Online published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract Azolla pinnata is an aquatic fern with enormous potential as livestock feed due to its high content of protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, growth promoter intermediaries, beta-carotene, appreciable quantities of bio-polymers and minerals such as potassium, ferrous, copper, magnesium, zinc etc. On a dry weight basis, Azolla consists of 25-35 percent protein, 1015 percent mineral, 7-10 percent amino acids and bio-active substances. Carbohydrate and oil content in Azolla is very low. All these biochemical constituents along with rapid multiplication rate make Azolla an ideal organic feed substitute for livestock. Livestock can easily digest Azolla due to its high protein content and low lignin content. Azolla feeding increases milk production (10-15 percent), meat by weight (8-10 percent) and egg laying capacity (10-15 percent) in milch animals, goats and chicks respectively. Due to these properties Azolla pinnata is recommended as a potential unconventional protein supplement for livestock during lean period of year in rain fed areas. The technology has promising climate change, adaptive capacity and is helpful in area of where climate change is a threat to livestock production because of impact on quantity and quality of feed crops, fodder and forage. Top Keywords Azolla pinnata, Livestock, Milk, Supplement. Top |