Diagnosis and emergency management of uterine torsion in a mudhol dog Naik Malati*, Sarangmath Santosh Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex, Veterinary College Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University (KVAFSU), Gadag-582101 (Karnataka) *Corresponding author. E-mail: malatinaik91@gmail.com
Online published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract A pregnant Mudhol dog was presented with green coloured, foul smelling discharge from vagina for two days. History revealed mating two months back. Abdominal palpation revealed foetal structure along with crepitation in lower caudal abdomen. Per-vaginal examination was inconclusive for foetal structures. Enlargement of mammary glands with milk secretion has warranted exploratory surgical intervention. Laparotomy was performed through mid-ventral approach under general anesthesia using, Xylazine and Ketamine along with Atropine through intravenous route. Upon exploration complete 360º torsion of right sided uterine horn with severely congested and cyanotic uterine wall was recorded. Uterine torsion was corrected by detorting to its normal position. Hysterectomy was done at body of uterus. Examination of uterine lumen revealed severe necrosis of endometrium of both uterine horns and vitality was compromised. Hence, panovariohysterectomy was performed and laparotomy was closed in routine manner. Post operatively, animal was treated with antibiotics, fluids and analgesics. The dog recovered uneventfully without any post-operative complications. Top Keywords Mudhol, Pan-ovariohysterectomy, Right sided uterine torsion. Top | |
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