Diagnosis and therapeutic management of unilateral facial paralysis in a dromedary camel Ranjan Rakesh*, Nath Kashi, Sawal R.K., Narnaware Shirish D., Sahoo Artabandhu Principal Scientist, ICAR-National Research Centre on Camel (NRC), Jorbeer, Bikaner-334001 (Rajasthan) *Corresponding author. E-mail: rakesh_ranjan3@rediffmail.com
Online published on 16 September, 2024. Abstract The present report describes successful clinical management of unilateral facial paralysis in a dromedary camel. A two years old male camel suffering from left sided facial paralysis was clinically examined and treated with systemic Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 combination and steroids for three days, but the condition failed to respond. Thereafter, hot branding was done over mid mandibular region in left side of the jaw under local anesthesia to induce mild inflammation. Follow up treatment included antiseptic dressing and systemic administration of Meloxicam and Paracetamol. Quick recovery was noted in the treated animal. This study suggested that hot branding, a popular ethnoveterinary practice practiced by camel owners in Rajasthan state, if performed in right way may help in recovery from facial nerve paralysis in camel. Top Keywords Camel, Facial paralysis, Management. Top |