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Journal of Food Legumes
Year 2010, Volume-23, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN : 0970-6380
Online ISSN : 0976-2434

Table of contents

Review Paper

Vegetable pigeonpea – a review
K.B. Saxena, R.V. Kumar, C.L.L. Gowda

Research Papers

Significance and genetic diversity of SPAD chlorophyll meter reading in chickpea germplasm in the semi-arid environments
Junichi Kashiwagi, Hari D. Upadhyaya, L. Krishnamurthy

Varietal characterization of urdbean for distinctiveness, uniformity and stability
P. K. Katiyar, G.P. Dixit, B.B. Singh

Genetic diversity among selected genotypes of M4 generation in horsegram
N. B. Patel, S. B. S. Tikka, J. B. Patel

Genetic analysis for yield and yield traits in pea
K.P. Singh, H.C. Singh, M.C. Verma

Diallel analysis for nodulation and yield contributing traits in chickpea
Preeti Verma, R. S. Waldia

Production potential of finger millet and Frenchbean intercropping under rainfed conditions of Uttarakhand
Rashmi Yadav

Growth and yield of groundnut in relation to soil application of panchgavya and foliar spray of endogenous plant leaf extracts
R.N. Kumawat, S.S. Mahajan, R.S. Mertia

Integrated phosphorus management on yield and nutrient uptake of urdbean under rainfed conditions of southern Rajasthan
D.S. Rathore, H.S. Purohit, B.L. Yadav

Effect of date of sowing on nodulation, growth, thermal requirement and grain yield of kharif mungbean genotypes
Guriqbal Singh, H.S. Sekhon, Hari Ram, K.K. Gill, Poonam Sharma

Performance of pulses during pre and post-WTO period in Andhra Pradesh: district wise analysis
I.V.Y. Rama Rao

Short Communications

Combining ability for yield and its components in fieldpea
Inderjit Singh, J.S. Sandhu, Johar Singh

Genetical analysis and heterosis for green pod yield and its components in pea
K.P. Singh, H.C. Singh, B. Singh, J.D. Singh

Integrated nutrient management in lentil with organic manures, chemical fertilizers and biofertilizers
Guriqbal Singh, Navneet Aggarwal, Veena Khanna

Effect of planting time and seed priming on growth and yield of lentil under riceutera system
Malay K. Bhowmick

Effect of sowing time and fertilization on productivity and economics of urdbean genotypes
S.S. Rathore, L.N. Dashora, M.K. Kaushik

Co-inoculation effect of liquid and carrier inoculants of Mesorhizobium ciceri and PGPR on nodulation, nutrient uptake and yields of chickpea
Pratibha Sahai, Ramesh Chandra

Bio-efficacy of insect growth regulator against tobacco caterpillar in blackgram
S. Malathi

Population fluctuations of pod fly on some varieties of pigeonpea
Ram Keval, Dharmpal Kerketta, Paras Nath, P.S. Singh


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