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Journal of Food Legumes
Year : 2024, Volume : 37, Issue : 2
First page : ( 211) Last page : ( 214)
Print ISSN : 0970-6380. Online ISSN : 0976-2434.
Article DOI : 10.59797/jfl.v37.i2.197

Impact of cluster frontline demonstration on increasing productivity and profitability of pigeonpea in Bihar

Mauriya AK1, Kumar Vinod1,*, Verma RB2, Sahu Raghubar3, Hashim Mohammad4

1Krishi Vigyan Kendra (BAU Sabour, Bhagalpur), Biha, Araria-854312 (Bihar), India

2Department of Horticulture, Bihar Agricultural University Sabour, Bhagalpur-813210 (Bihar), India

3Veer Kunwar Singh College of Agriculture (BAUSabour, Bhagalpur), Dumraon Buxar-802136 (Bihar), India

4ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur- 208 024 (Uttar Pradesh), India

*Corresponding author e-mail: ak.mauriya12@gmail.com

Online Published on 12 August, 2024.


The present investigation was conducted on cluster frontline demonstration (CFLD) on pigeonpea with improved pigeon pea varieties (Malviya Chamawtkar or MAL-13, LRG-41 and IPA-203) in Kharif season over three at 104 farmer's field covering 40 ha rainfed/upland areas of 12 villages of Bhagalpur district to know the field gap, technology gap, extension gap, economic return, the extent of farmer's satisfaction and constraints faced by the farmers, especially pigeon pea growers. Based on three years' mean data the highest pigeon pea yield (16.98 q/ha) was received from the demonstration plot, which was 39.6% higher as compared to existing common farmers' practice. Extension gap, technology gap, and technological index were found as 4.82 q/ha, 5.51 q/ha, and 23.8%, respectively. The highest net return (Rs. 80,292/ha) and B:C ratio (3.75) were also calculated in CFLD technology as compared to existing common farmers' practices.



Economics, Extension gap, Pigeonpea, Technology gap, Technological index, Yield.


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