Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on the Postharvest Life of Tuberose CV. Double Bhaskar V. Vuaya, Rao P. Venkata Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030 Abstract The plant growth regulators (BA, OA, NAA and MH) were tried with 50 and 100 ppm concentrations to extend the vase life of cut tuberose spikes. Among the growth regulators BA and GA 100 ppm were found most effective in terms of improving the water uptake, maintenance of better water balance thereby increasing the fresh weight of flowers which finally contributed to the increased vase life (10.22 and 10.33 days, respectively) and increased number of florets opened (61.73 and 56.89%, respectively) per spike. By adding BA 100 ppm to the vase water petal senescence delayed to a considerable extent and maintained freshness for a longer time than GA 100 ppm. Top Keywords Tuberose, BA, GA, NAA, MH, vase life. Top | |
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