Effect of GA3 and CCC on Growth and Flowering of Standard Chrysanthemums Talukdar Madhumita Choudhury, Paswan L. Department of Horticulture, A.A.U., Jorhat-785 013 (Assam) Abstract Two growth regulators, viz., GA3 (10, 20 and 40 ppm) and CCC (5000, 10,000 and 15,000 pptn) when tried with four standard chrysanthemums revealed that 40 ppm GA3 increased plant height maximally while 15,000 ppm CCC resulted in maximum reduction. Similarly GA3 treatments increased number of leaves in all the cultivars except Grape Bowl. Leaf area was increased by GA3 treatment in Snow Ball, Kiku Biori and Lilac. Significant reduction in number of days to full bloom was observed for 10 ppm, 20 ppm and 40 ppm GA3 5000 and 15,000 ppm CCC increased the flower size in Snow Ball and Kiku Biori, respectively. Shelf life was increased by 9 days in Kiku Biori at 40 ppm GA3. Top Keywords Chrysanthemum, GA3, CCC. Top | |
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