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Journal of Progressive Agriculture
Year : 2023, Volume : 14, Issue : 1
First page : ( 23) Last page : ( 26)
Print ISSN : 2229-4244. Online ISSN : 2278-0556.

Cluster analysis in newly developed bt cotton hybrids (G. hirsutum)

Prakash Vijay1, Suthar Govind2,*

1Agricultural Research Station, Sriganganagar, (Rajasthan)- India

2Guest Faculty (Maths and Statistics), College of Agriculture, Sriganganagar

*Email: suthargovind2@gmail.com

Online Published on 28 July, 2023.


Nineteen new Bt cotton hybrids were evaluated under irrigated conditions of North India at Agricultural Research Station, Sriganganagar (Rajasthan) during Rabi 2020-21 to assess the genetic diversity using Mahalanobis’s D2 analysis. Observations were taken for eleven yield and contributing morphological traits along with fiber quality parameters viz; Seed cotton yield, lint yield, plant height, ginning out turn, Bolls per plant, boll weight, 100 seed weight, UHML (mm), MIC value (μg/inch), Tenacity (g/tex), and Uniformity Index. The D2 analysis grouped the hybrids into six clusters. Cluster I was the largest having 9 genotypes followed by cluster III with 4 genotypes. Cluster II and IV had two hybrids each. Cluster V and IV had single hybrid. Highest inter cluster distance was observed between cluster II and VI (64.890) followed by cluster I and II (55.491). Lint yield and seed cotton yield contributed the most in the divergence. Highest intra cluster distance (28.615) was observed in cluster III while it was found least (0.000) in cluster VI. Highest seed cotton yield, lint yield, plant height and bolls per plant was observed in cluster IV of single genotype (C 9315 BG-II). Good fiber quality hybrid (US 706 BG -II) was separated in cluster V. Nine hybrids clubbed in cluster I and 4 hybrids grouped in cluster III were also found better in terms of yield and fiber quality.



Hybrid, Fiber quality, Genetic diversity.


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