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Journal of Progressive Agriculture
Year : 2023, Volume : 14, Issue : 1
First page : ( 74) Last page : ( 76)
Print ISSN : 2229-4244. Online ISSN : 2278-0556.

Study of relative growth rate in sonadi and cross bred sheep under field conditions

Lakhawa Shyam Singh*

Assistant Professor, Sangam University, Bhilwara

*Email: shyam.lakhwat@sangamuniversity.ac.in

Online Published on 28 July, 2023.


Using a two-stage stratified sample strategy, a survey was carried out in three districts of the major breeding tract and one district of the minor breeding tract of Sonadi sheep. Sonadi sheep are raised mostly on grazing, and their farmers do not provide any supplements. At ages 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, and 15-18 months, the daily absolute weight gains were 92, 60, 33, 41, 32, and 20 g, respectively.(Tailor,S.P., and Yadav,C.M.-2010). In order to determine the relative growth rate (RGR) of 1376 animals kept by 32 shepherds living in nine villages across two tehsils in the Bhilwara district, a study was carried out. The least squares means at 0-3 months (RGR-1), 3-6 months (RGR-2), 6-9 months (RGR-3), 12-15 months (RGR-5), 15-18 months (RGR-6), and 18-21 months (RGR-7) were 246.50± 5.609, 47.32±1.108, 23.44±0.759, 15.96±0.698, 12.60±0.605, 10.20±0.659 and 11.21±0.647 respectively. Data shows that Sonadi was preferred over cross-bred, and that female relative growth rates were higher than male ones. With the exception of the 0-3 and 18-21 month age groups, there was a significant sex effect on the RGR for males compared to females for all age groups. For all age groups, the relative growth rate was significantly impacted by the birthplace. Sonadi sheep were observed in their natural habitat, and data on reproductive and productive traits, including age at first lambing, lambing interval, service period, and dry period, were gathered. Productive traits included milk yield, lactation length, test day peak yield, days to attain test peak yield, and fat percentage. Weekly records of the milk yield were kept, and using the data-centering method, estimates of the overall milk production were made. To examine the impact of districts and parity on the productive and reproductive qualities, the least-squares analysis of variance was used. The overall least squares means for milk yield, lactation duration, test day peak yield, and days to obtain test peak yield were, respectively, 29.800.72 kg, 187.702.97 days, 237.655.93 kg, and 63.922.25 days. It was discovered that the district's impact (Tailor et al 2007).



Sonadi sheep, Relative Growth Rate, Growth, Lamb.


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