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Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Year : 2016, Volume : 15, Issue : 2
First page : ( 141) Last page : ( 147)
Print ISSN : 0022-457X.

Variations in some soil physical properties, micronutrient distribution and its stock under high density guava orchard ecosystem

Adak Tarun1,*, Kumar Kailash2, Singh Vinod Kumar3

1Scientist (Soil Physics/Soil and Water Conservation), Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, Lucknow-226101, Uttar Pradesh

2Principal Scientist (Soil chemistry/Fert./Microb.), Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, Lucknow-226101, Uttar Pradesh

3ACTO (Soil Science) Division of Crop Production, Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, Lucknow-226101, Uttar Pradesh

*Corresponding author Email id: tarunadak@gmail.com

Online published on 22 August, 2016.


Long term orchard management may impact the soil properties over the period of orchard management. Estimating such variations is essentially important for evolving a strategic/sound nutrient management module. The present investigation was therefore aimed to assess the variations in some soil physical properties, micronutrients and its stock under long-term orchard ecosystem of guava cv. Lalit (555, 277 and 5000 plants ha−1) with spacing of 3×6 m, 6×6 m and 2×1 m. Wide variations in soil properties were observed. Marginal variations in soil bulk density and water holding capacity as affected by different plantations was noted. Porosity of 39.49% was recorded under normal density of 277 plants ha−1 while 42.85 and 40.66 per cent in 555 and 5000 plants ha−1. Mean water holding capacity was estimated as 21.44%. Higher DTPA-extractable micronutrients (Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe) were recorded in more densely populated system than normal density. The Zn stock of 2.28, 2.42 and 5.50 kg ha−1 was estimated under 277, 555 and 5000 plants ha−1. A lower range of Cu stock (4.85 to 6.89 kg ha−1) across systems was found. Similarly, the highest distribution of Mn stock (29.11 kg ha−1) was found in the category 5000 plants ha−1 than 23.98 kg ha−1 in 555 plants ha−1. Fe stock with maximum value of 54.96 kg ha−1 was estimated in the category of 5000 plants ha−1 followed by 39.06 kg ha−1 in 555 plants ha−1 and the lowest was recorded as 30.85 kg ha−1 (normal 277 plants ha−1).



Different density guava system, micronutrient distribution and stock, physical properties, soil organic carbon, subtropical climate.


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