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Public Affairs And Governance

Publisher: Diva Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Print ISSN: 2321-2128
Online ISSN: 2321-2136
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: March and September

Public administration is a statecraft which guides the state activities and the scope of state activities has always been a debatable issue in democratic societies. There are also evidences that a varied level of concern for public welfare has always been there in the minds of kings with certain exceptions even before the emergence of modern democratic state. The post modern world, as a result of contingent factors, has witnessed radical changes especially in the nature, scope and mode of state-citizens relationships. The present day societies have become more demanding especially in terms of the need for better management of their basic and specific affairs. It calls for an optimum understanding of public expectations and possessing appropriate skill for their rational prioritization, establishing and operating a public management for fulfilling those with in the constitutional and legal framework and that is also as per the values and ethics of the society has become a challenge not only for the governance, administrators but also the academics in the field of Public Administration, Public Management, Political Science, Law and Sociology. The journal of Public Affairs and Governance (PAG) will strive to understand this in a right manner. Public Affairs and Governance is research driven, peer reviewed, publication aimed at searching the developments taking place in public affairs and their governance. The research paper and articles in the journal are both conceptual and empirical one. The audience of the journal includes academics, policy makers and practitioners, non-governmental organizations, public services and development, local self governance institutions and institutions dealing with natural resource management. The journal is interdisciplinary and primarily covers the issues related to the disciplines like Public Administration, Public Management, Public Policy, Political Science, Law and Sociology etc.

Indexed/Abstracted with - NAAS Rating 2024 - 3.16, Indian Citation Index, EBSCO Discovery, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, J-Gate, ISRA-JIF, IIJIF, Indian Science, DRJI, I2OR, ESJI, Scientific Journal Impact Factor, InfoBase Index, and Cite Factor.

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