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Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics
Year : 2022, Volume : 14, Issue : 4
First page : ( 273) Last page : ( 276)
Print ISSN : 0975-4407. Online ISSN : 2321-5836.
Article DOI : 10.52711/2321-5836.2022.00047

Therapeutic importance of Asava and Arista (Fermentative Formulation) in Ayurveda: A review

Panda Purnendu*, Indu S., Das Banamali, Bhuyan G.C., Rao M.M.

Central Ayurveda Resecarch Institute, Bhubaneswar, Orissa

*Corresponding Author E-mail: pandapurnendu02@gmail.com

Online published on 9 March, 2023.


The concepts of drug dosing and route of administration of drugs play a vital role in the biological efficacy of drugs. The selection of proper dosage forms and frequency of drug administration are essential for acquiring desired biological effects of drugs. In Ayurveda, the term Kalpana resembles various dosage forms, i.e., liquid, semisolid, and solid. Kalka, Vati, Bhasma, Asava/Arishta, Kwatha, Churna, etc., are various dosage forms utilized in Ayurveda therapies mainly for internal administration of drugs. Asava and Arista, two important Ayurvedic formulations, have been used for more than 3000 years for the treatment of various diseases. They are effective, palatable, stable, and most importantly, they have no side effects. Arishtas and asavas are self-generated herbal fermentations of traditional Ayurvedic system. They are alcoholic medicaments prepared by allowing the herbal juices or their decoctions to undergo fermentation with added sugars. Arishtas are made with decoctions of herbs in boiling water. Asavas are prepared by fermentation of fresh herbal juices. The formulation prepared by fermentation of decoction is called arishtas, while that prepared without fermentative preparation without decoction is called Asava. Acharya Sarangadhara described the preparation and properties of different Asava and Arista. Baisajyaratnavali, also known as Ayurveda's therapeutic index, mentioned more than 40 Asava and Arista preparations for treating various diseases. This paper aims to document the available information about the different Asava and Arista with their therapeutic applications.



Ayurveda, Bhaisajya Kalpana, Sandhana kalpanaAsavaArista.


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