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Guidelines for Submission

The guidelines for submission of the article/research papers are mentioned as under:

Publication Copy:

This manuscript should be complete in all respect for publication i.e. Title, Abstract, Manuscript. In case of acceptance of paper, this copy will be forwarded to the journal editor for its publication.


a) The title of the paper should be boldfaced type, centered and typed in capital letters in a 14 point Times New Roman Font.

b) The author(s) full name, e-mail id, name of the institute/organization/university, contact details i.e. mobile/landline numbers. These details should be centered below the title.


a) Abstract should be in fully justified and italicized text. It must not exceed 250 words. The abstract should elaborate research background and methodology. The major finding(s) and conclusion must be presented in brief. Abbreviations must be mentioned in full. Background, Aims, Methodology, Results/Findings, and Conclusion are essential elements of the abstract.

b) Maximum 4-6 keywords, listed alphabetically, separated by commas, and full stop at the end. Authors are requested to leave 2 lines before the next heading.


a) Article should be in typed in 12 point-Times New Roman Font English with a single space and single column with 1" margin on a standard A4 size paper. The page numbers should at centre of every page. All headings must be bold-faced, aligned left and fully capitalized. Authors must leave one line before each heading.

b) The main text should follow the sequence of INTRODUCTION, REVIEW OF LITERATURE, SIGNIFICANCE/ NEED OF THE STUDY, OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESES, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS/ CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if any) and REFERENCES. The sub-heading must be bold typed, fully capitalized and left aligned. The text matter must be in a 12 point-Times New Roman Font and single spaced. The research article/paper should preferably not exceed 12-15 pages in all.

c) Figures and tables should be centered, separately numbered, self explained. Please note that table titles must be above the table and Sources of data should be mentioned below the table. The authors should ensure that tables and figures are referred to from the main text.

d) The authors should list all references alphabetically. It must be single spaced, and at the end of the research paper. The authors are advised to use Harvard referencing system, and mention only those references actually used in their research article/paper.

Review Process

Each research paper/article submitted to the journal is subject to the following reviewing process:

1. Each research paper/article will be initially evaluated by the editor to check the quality of the research article for the journal. The editor may make use of ithenticate/Viper software to examine the originality of research articles received.

2. The articles passed through screening at this level will be forwarded to two referees for blind peer review.

3. At this stage, two referees will carefully review the research article, each of whom will make a recommendation to publish the article in its present form/modify/reject.

4. The review process may take one/two months.

5. In case of acceptance of the article, journal reserves the right of making amendments in the final draft of the research paper to suit the journal's standard and requirement.

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