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Editorial Board


Dr. Karun Kant Uppal

Editorial Advisory Board

Dr. S S Narta
Department of Commerce,
Himachal Pradesh University,
Shimla, India.

Dr. Mamta Mokta
Department of Public Administration,
Himachal Pradesh University,
Shimla, India.

Prof. Shyam Lal Kaushal
School of Management Studies
Himachal Pradesh University,
Shimla, India.

Dr. Durgesh Nandini
Associate Professor
Department of Public Administration,
IGNOU, Delhi, India.

Dr B. Mohan
Associate Professor in English
S.V. College of Engg. and Technology
Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Dr. Dalbir Singh
Assistant Professor
Haryana School of Business,
G.J.U.S & T, Hisar,
Haryana, India.

Dr. Sonia Sharma Uppal
Assistant Professor
P.G Department of Comm. & Mgt.
Arya college, Ludhiana, India.

Nadeera Jayathunga
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Social Sciences,
Sabaragamuwa University,Belihuloya,
Sri Lanka.

Mrs. Sabina Dinesh Kumar
Assistant Lecturer
Faculty of Mgt. Studies and Comm.
University of Jaffna,
Sri Lanka.

Jumana M. ELhafiz
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry,
Shendi University, Ministry of health,

Dr. Sunil Kumar
Assistant Professor
Punjab School of Economics,
Guru Nanak Dev University,
Amritsar, Punjab, India.

Dr. Ebele P. Ifionu
Department of Finance and Banking,
University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

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