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TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research (TAJMMR)
Year 2012, Volume-1, Issue-1 (September)
Online ISSN : 2279-0667

Table of contents

An empirical study on consumer behavior towards Cadbury's India Ltd. and Nestle India Ltd. (A case study of male and female of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar of Odisha)
Dr. B. C. M. Patnaik, Pradeep Kumar Sahoo

A study of small scale industries: Marketing strategies
S.N. Arjun Kumar

Financial management an overview with special reference to indian economy
Dr. Angrej Singh, Priyanka Mishra, Nidhi Mishra

Corporate governance practices-Emerging trends
Dr. V. Rajendran

Compensation management: A theoretical preview
Dr. B. C. M. Patnaik, Prabir Chandra Padhi

A study of investor behavior on investment avenues in Mumbai fenil
Brahmabhatt, P.S Raghu Kumari, Dr. Shamira Malekar


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