Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management
Year 2012, Volume-3, Issue-9 (September)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000
Online ISSN : 2229-4104 Table of contents RSS Feed Employees burnout and intention to leave: In set of banking organizations in Pakistan Ali Ahmad, Jahanzaib Haider, Akbar Ali Leadership effectiveness in implementing change and driving innovation: A study among public sector employees Mr. Az-Har Basheer, Dr. M.M. Sulphey A study on work -life balance of employees in health care industry with special reference to Kanchipuram district A. Vanitha Measuring financial performance using EVA & MVA in Indian pharmaceutical industry S. Christina Sheela, Dr. K. Karthikeyan A study on employee retention in motor car companies at chennai, Tamilnadu P. Suresh, Dr. M. Akbar Mohideen History of powerloom industry in Surat and its challenges and perspecitves Dasari Jyothi Rani Labour welfare in India: An overview Dr. Ramesh Kumar Bhardwaj Top |