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Editorial Board

Chief Editor

Prof. Y. Vimala
Deptt. of Botany, C.C.S University,
Meerut-250004, E-mail : editorjibs@gmail.com

Editors from different sections :

Section I : "Mycology, Microbiology & Plant Pathology (Including Seed Pathology)"

Prof. Kailash Agrawal
Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan,
Jaipur 302004 (Rajasthan) Email: agkailashindia@gmail.com

Prof. C. Manoharachari.
NASI Senior Scientist Platinum Jubilee Fellow
Dept. of Botany Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007,
A.P., India E-mail: cmchary@rediffmail.com

Prof. D.K. Maheshwari

Section II : "Cryptogamic Botany (including Fossils and Cryptogams)"

Dr. Virendra Nath
52/16, Bara Chandganj, Lucknow-226 006 (U.P.)
E-mail : drvirendranath2001@rediffmail.com

Prof. Pushpa Srivastava
4-JA-9, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur-302004, India
Email: pushpashyam@rediffmail.com

Dr. D.K. Uptredi

Section III : "Seed Plants (including fossils) : Reproductive Biology, Anatomy Embryology Including Study of Seed and Fruit"

Prof. Mohd. Iqbal
Head, Deptt. of Botany, Jamia Hamdard University,
Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi-110 062
E-mail : iqbalg5@yahoo.co.in

Prof. S.K. Chaturvedi

Prof. A. K. pandey
Department of Botany University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Email- arunkpandey@botany.du.ac.in

Section IV : "Taxonomy of Seed Plants ,Floristics including Biodiversity,Economic Botany, thnobotany and Pharmacognosy"

Prof. A.K. Jain
School of Studies in Botany Jiwaji University,
Gwalior (MP) India Email-asokjain2003@yahoo.co.in

Prof. Seshu Lavania

Prof. R.H. Shete
(Mumbai) 7, Ambe Niwas CHS 25/26, L.J.Road (Guru Nanak Marg),
Near City Light, Mahim (West), Mumbai 400016

Prof. R. D. Gaur
Hanumantpuram, Lane-6 Ganganagar, Rishiksh 249201

Section V : "Cell and Molcular Biology, Cytology and Plant Breeding"

Dr. J.L. JKarihaloo
Coordinator Asia Pacific Consortium on Agriculture Biotechnology,
National Agricultural Science Comlx, Dev Prakash Shastri Marg,
Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012. e-mail: jlkarihaloo@rediffmail.com

Dr. U.C. Lavania,
4/221 Vivek Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow

Prof. A.K. Srivastava
Department of Botany, C.C.S. University (Meerut)

Section VI : "Ecology,Phytogeography and Environmental Botany"

Prof. R.S. Tripathi
House No. 10/58, Sector 10, Indira Nagar,
Lucknow-226016. E-mail-rstripathi@hotmail.com

Prof. S.B. Agarwal

Dr. D.K. Sharma
Environmental Science Division, IARI, New Delhi

Section VII : "Plant Physiology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology"

Prof. O. P. Saxena,
17/202, Parishram Apartments, Near Jai Shefali Row Houses,
Satellite Road, Ahemadabad-380015,Ph: 079-26740291

Prof. Shanti S. Sharma
Dept. of Bioscience (Botany), HP University, Shimla

Prof. D. R. Batish

Section VIII : "Morphogenesis, Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology"

Prof. Mohd. Anis
Deptt. of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh-202 002 (U.P.), E-mail: anism@rediffmail.com

Prf. Y. K. Bansal

Prof. Padma Kumar

Dr. G. Tejovati

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