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Scope and Purpose

Pathfinder- The International Multidisciplinary Research Journal is a Peer Reviewed Journal which aims to publish original academic research of high standards. The Journal focuses on providing an academic platform to researchers across the globe to publish their original, innovative, pragmatic and high-quality research work. The journal provides a plethora of avenues to all academicians, consultants, policy makers, business managers and practitioners to publish research work across varied disciplines. The journal is committed to promote researchers with superfluity of understanding to engender new ideas, problem solving models, and disseminate the experiential world class research findings for the benefit of academia, industry and policy makers.

Submitted papers are reviewed and evaluated on the basis of their scientific quality, originality and contribution to the society. Manuscripts are welcomed in a wide range of topics in Geography, Computer Science, History, Politics, Humanities, Commerce, Management and other disciplines.

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