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Farming & Management
Year 2023, Volume-8, Issue-2 (December)
Print ISSN: 2455-4065
Online ISSN: 2456-8724

Table of Contents

Agronomy & Soil Science

Efficient crop residue management under conservation agriculture for improving soil quality: A review
Masina Sairam, Sagar Maitra, Chabolu Venkata Raghava, Tadiboina Gopala Krishna, Dinkar J. Gaikwad, Upasana Sahoo, Sumit Ray

Agromorphological analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under combined heat and drought stress conditions
Mukti Ram Poudel, Madhav Prasad Neupane, Harikala Paudel, Radhakrishna Bhandari, Shivalal Nyaupane, Anjali Dhakal, Binod Panthi

Vermicomposting, a key to sustainable agriculture: A review
Rajan Manchal, Tuyishime Venuste, Sanjeet Raj Verma

Soil Microbiology

Impact of Parthenium hysterophorus methanolic extract on earthworm (Eudrilus eugeniae) and soil microbes (Azotobacter chroococcum)
Manju S., Kombiah P., Alagusundaram P.

Plant Biotechnology

A review on the use of biotechnology in sorghum crop improvement
V. P. Singh, R. K. Maiti

Millet Crops

Cultivating knowledge: A comprehensive Scientometrics analysis of millet research trends in Sub-Saharan African nations using the Web of Science database
Jafar Tijjani Umar, Vijesh P. V., Anupama A., Joseph M. K.


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