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Indian Journal of Extension Education
Year 2009, Volume-45, Issue-3and4 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0537-1996

Table of contents

Farmers Willingness To Pay for Privatized Agricultural Services: An Analysis with Plantation Growers
Chellattan P. Veettil, Venkataranga K. Naika

Knowledge of Cotton Growers in the Recommended Package of Practices of Cotton Cultivation
V. Sangeetha, S.V. Prasad, Venkatesh

Perceived Constraints and Suggestions of SHGs in Kerala
V.K. Sajesh, Premlata Singh

Role and Needs of Hilly Women in Trades
U.S. Gautam, Chandrakanta, D.K. Singh

Farmers Perception and Propensity for Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Practices in Vegetable Cultivation
Monika Wason, R.N. Padaria, Baldeo Singh, Anjani Kumar

Training of Farm Journalists: A Study of Needs and Preferences
M.S. Nain, R.N. Trikha

On-farm Validation of IPM Module in Tomato in North West Himalayas
K.S. Hooda, J.C. Bhatt, D. Jhosi, S.N. Sushil, S.R.K. Singh, S.S. Siddiqie, B. Choudhary

Assessment of Training Needs for Improving Professional Competencies of Extension functionaries
P.S. Slathia, P. Narinder, G.R. Bhagat, S.K. Kher

Stakeholders Perception about Bt Cotton and Related Socio-economic Implications and Bio-safety Concerns
S. Surya, R.N. Padaria, Baldeo Singh, Leela Ram, Pankaj

Training Need of Farmers Related Crop Production in Madhya Pradesh
D.K. Singh, U.S. Gautam, Sadhana Pandey, Mukesh Singh

Effect of Traits of the Trainers on Their Job Satisfaction and Job Performance in Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Rajasthan
B.S. Meena, Baldeo Singh

Impact of KVK Training on Farmers Adoption Behaviour and Knowledge Gain
N.V. Kumbhare, S.R. Khonde

Attitude of Vegetable Growers Towards Organic Farming Practices
D. Jaganathan, V.B. Padrnanabhan, C. Bhaskaran, A. Chandru, V. Lenin

Value-orientation of Entrepreneurs: A Critical Analysis
C.Y. Manikahiya, Anita Jhamtani, R.N. Padaria, Letha G Devi, V.K. Yadav

Information Processing Behaviour of Dairy Farmers in Adoption of Animal Husbandry Practices
Naresh Prasad, R.S. Dalal, S.P. Singh

Impact of Cotton IPM Demonstration
A.M. Narula, S. Shashikumar, D.G. Chougala

Constraints and Motivation behind Jute Cultivation
Rajendra R. Chapke

Assessing Impact of Vegetable Extension in Mid-hills of Uttarakhand
S.R.K. Singh, K. Srinivas, K.P. Singh, U.S. Gautam, A.K. Dixit

Adoption Behavior of FLD and Non-FLD Farmers of Sunflower
M. Padmaiah, S.V. Ramana Rao, G.V. Ramanjaneyulu

Identification of Problems of Soybean Growers in Madhya Pradesh
B.U. Dupare, S.D. Billore, O.P. Joshi

Empowerment Status of Rural Women through Self Help Groups
Komal Kashid, P.P. Wankhade, D.M. Mankar

Assessment of Knowledge Levels and Constraints of Potato Growers
Dan Singh, Sachin Kumar, Ashok Kumar

Research Notes

Mobilization of Community Groups for Fish Seed Rearing: An Institutional Innovation of Tribal Fisherfolk at Tawa Reservoir, M.P.
L.K. Tyagi, Amar Pal, W.S. Lakra

Farmer Participatory Evaluation of Groundnut Varieties
G.D. Satish Kumar, S.P. Singh

Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Vegetable Growers
Shailash Kumar, Gyanendra Sharma

Level of Consumers Awareness Regarding ISI, FPO & Agmark Standards
Indu Karki, Neelam Mahrotra, M.L. Bansal

Impact of Home science training on Rural Women
Maya Kumari, Ashok Kumar, Pradeep Prasad, Shashi Bhushan Kumar

Development of a Scale to Measure the Information Efficiency of Agricultural Expert System
S. Helen, F.M.H. Khaleel


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