Two new species of dorylaimida (Nematoda) from India Bohra Padma, Baqri Qaiser H. Desert Regional Station, Zoological Survey of India, Pali Road, Jhalamand, Jodhpur - 342 005. Abstract Two new species of Dorylaimida from India, are reported. Ischiodorylaimus rathori sp.n. is characterised by having 2.67–2.90 mm long body, cuticle marked by 30–32 longitudinal lines, lip region amalgamated marked by depression; odontostyle 39–41μm; odontophore 42–44 μm; female reproductive system amphidelphic; tails dissimilar in two sexes; female tail 4.4–5.3 anal body width while male tail 0.65–0.77 anal body width; spicules 65–75 μm long and two groups of ventromedian supplements separated by 3–4 spaced supplements (8+4+9–11+3+10). Dorylaimellus sewaki sp.n. is characterised by having 0.82–0.93 mm long body; lip region distinctly set off by constriction, narrower than adjoining body; odontostyle 6–7 μm long; odontophore 8–9 μm long; female reproductive system amphidelphic; spicules 23 μm long; 5 ventromedian supplements irregularly arranged; tail similar in both sexes 34–35 μm long, arcuate conoid with rounded tip. Top Key words Ischiodorylaimus rathori sp.n., Dorylaimellus sewaki sp.n., Dorylaimida, Taxonomy. Top | | |
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