A study of family stress among working and non-working parents Dr. Nathial Maneep Singh*, Dr. Baliya J.N** *Department of Higher Education, J&K, Govt. India **Department of Education, Jammu University, J&K, India Online published on 26 September, 2013. Abstract The present age has been called the age of stress and strain. Every individual is stress prone today, from small children to aged people. It was assumed thatwill be no significant difference between Govt. school teachers and private school teachers, when family stress is taken as a dependent variable and no significant difference in family stress between male and female working parents and non-working parents separately. 200 parents, 100 working and 100 non-working parents were the samples for the investigation. Family stress inventory, by Dr. Abha Rani Bisht (Hindi) was used. It was found that there was no difference in family stress between teachers working in Govt. and Private schools. Further concluded that there was no difference in family stress of working and non-working parents when studied separately under joint influence of sex and age. Top Keywords Stress, Working, non working Individuals. Top | |
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