The Journal of Indian Botanical Society
Year 2010, Volume-89, Issue-1and2 (January & June)
Print ISSN : 0019-4468
Online ISSN : 2455-7218 Table of contents What is Flower C.M. Govil The Potential Activity of Galls of Quercus Infectoria Oliv.: As Antibacterial Agent Against Dental Pathogens Archa Vermani, Navneetand Prabhat Comparative Analysis of Cyanobacteria and Micro-Algae in The Biofilms on The Exterior of Stone Monuments in Bratislava, Slovakia and in Bhubaneswar, India Sib
a Prasad Adhikary, Lubomir Kovacik Floral Vasculature and Morphology of Ochna Serrulata(Hochst.) Walp C.M. Govil, Upendra Kumar Adenine Sulphate Enhanced In Vitro Shoot Regeneration in Centella Asiatic A (L.) Urban Shalini Sharma, Y. Vimala In Vitro Regeneration in Emblica Officinalis From Juvenile Root-Derived Callus Vinod Singh Gour, Tarun Kant Role of Plant Growth Regulators in Petal Senescence of Calendula Officinalis L. and Coreopsis Lanceolata L. Mansee Khokhar, D. Mukherjee Regulation of Senescence in Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) Leaf Discs by Kinetin and A Morphactin Seema, D. Mukherjee Classification of The Genus Coixl. (Maydeae) Panuganti N Rao, A Nirmala Some Fresh Water Bacillariophycean Algae (Diatoms) from Faizabad and Balrampur Districts, U.P., India Anand Kumar Srivastava Correlation of Aflatoxin Production on Wheat Seed Varieties with Their Protein and Sugar Constituents K. K. Sinha, R. Kumar Flavonoids from Gloriosa Superba Linn. Tissue Culture Renu Sarin, Anirudha Rishi Fungal and Mycotoxin Contamination of Some Common Stored Herbal Fruit Samples Ajay K. Gautam, Rekha Bhadauria Effect of Sewage Waste Water and Different Doses of Nitrogen on Wheat (Triticumaestivum) Var PBW 343 Shahla Faizan, Saima Kausar Water Stress Tolerance in Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-GraecumL.) Inoculated With Bacillus Polymyxa, A Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterium Deepmala Singh, N.B. Singh Studies on Variations Induced by Alkylating Agent DMS on Vegetative and Yield Traits in Chicory (Cichoriumintybus L.) Zeba Khan, Honey Gupta, M.Y.K. Ansari, Sana Chaudhary Tolerance of Hexavalent Chromium by Raphanus Sativus CV. J.W Heena Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar Impact Assessment of Soil Pollution Due to The Vishwakarma Industrial Area of Jaipur, Rajasthan Yashoda Saini, Nagendra Bhardwaj Variation of Biochemical Composition of Eighteen Marine Macro Algae Collected from Okha Coast, Gulf of Kutch, India J.I. Nirmal Kumar, Rita N. Kumar, Manmeet AMB Kaur, Anubhuti Bora, Sudeshna Chakraborty Pollen Morphology and Phenological Behaviour of Some Important Plant Species from Reserve Forests of Dibrugarh District, Assam S. K. Bera, Swati Dixit Observations on The Blue Green Alga Spirulina from the Tapi river, Jalgaon District, Maharashtra D.A. Kumawat, Jayashri Patil Inoculum Production of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Using Paper-Mill Solid Waste as Substrate Chhavi Mangla, Aditya Kumar, Ashok Aggarwal Changes in Therapeutic Potentialities of Certain Plant Species Collected from Different Localities of Agra City Javid Iqbal Pandith, B. Geetha Singh Development of Vegetation and Climatic Change in West Garo Hills Since Late Holocene: Pollen Sequence and Anthropogenic Impact S. K. Basumatary, S. K. Bera A Survey of Airborne Penicillium in Different Environments of Nagpur Archana Sawane Growth and Yield of Spinach (Spinacea olearacea) Grown in Fly Ash Amended Soils Shahla Faizan, Saima Kausar Ecofriendly Technology of Compost From Organic Biowaste Inoculated by Trichoderma Viride and Its Impact on Growth of Coriandrumsativum L. CV. Kalmi M.A. Ali Khan, Kavita Kashyap Heavy Metals Removal Kinetics by Chlorococcum hemicolum and Anabaena PCC 7120 Harish, Deepti Shilpkar, S. Sundaramoorthy Freshwater Algae of Sikkim S. Bhakta, S.K. Das, S.P. Adhikary Some Chlorococcalean Algae from Jayakwadi Bird Sanctuary of Maharashtra S.B. Andhale, P.B. Papdiwal Diversity of Cyanophyceae Members in and Around Ahmednagar Region (M.S.) Sudhir S. Suryavanshi, S.D. Pingle, V.B. Gaikwad In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Organ Cultures of Gmelinaarborea Roxb Amod Kumar, Md. Sarfaraz Ahmad, Md. Naseem A Comparative Study on Diversity of Algae in Coal Mine Impacted and Unimpacted Streams of Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya Mautushi Das, P. Ramanujam Morinda Coreia Buch.-Ham.: A New Record to The Flora of Rajasthan K.L. Meena Macrophytes of The Inland Water Bodies of Patna Amarendra Kumar Biomonitoring of Air Quality With Bryophytes Using Diversity and Frequency as An indicator Anuj Saxena, D.K. Saxena, Anjali Saxena Paper Mill Effluent Induced Differential Response of Two Wheat Cultivrs Sanjeev Kumar, Pratiksha Maheshwari Mesotaenium NĂ„Geli (Mesotaeniaceae, Desmidiales, Conjugatophyceae) from West Bengal, India Prasanta Mallick A note on An Abnormal Spike of Ophioglossum Reticulatuml Richapunetha, N. Punetha, Kamlesh Bhakuni Top |