Pharmacological activities of Tridax procumbens (Asteraceae) Agrawal Surendra1, Mohale Deepak2, Talele G.S.3 1R.C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur, Maharashtra, India. 2P.W. College of Pharmacy, Dhamangaon Road, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India. 3Nashik Gramin Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's College of Pharmacy, Anjaneri, Trimbkeshwar, Nashik, Maharashtra 422 005, India. Corresponding author: Surendra Agrawal; E-mail:
Abstract T. procumbens is commonly known as Coat Button or Kansari (hindi) or Ghamara (in local language) and belongs to family Asteraceae. It shows a number of pharmacological activities like hypotensive, insecticidal, leishmanicidal, hair growth promoting, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory, which have been screened scientifically. In this review article, an up-to-date information has been compiled in order to highlight its medicinal importance. Top Keywords Tridax procumbens, pharmacological activity. Top |