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Theriogenology Insight
Year 2023, Volume-13, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN: 2249-6610
Online ISSN: 2277-3371

Table of Contents

Research Papers

Effect of different Buffalo Sperm Motility Patterns on Plasma Membrane Integrity and Morphology
Krishna Nand Bansal, Dinesh Jhamb, Gaurav Kumar Bansal, Madhu Meena, Mamta Meel and Pradeep Kumar

The Behaviour Pattern of Sirohi Goat Kids in Different Feeding Management Systems
Jitendra Chopdar, Krishna Nand Bansal, Gaurav Kumar Bansal and Ravta Ram

Effect of Stocking Density on Behavioral Trait and Mortality of Broiler Chicken Under Intensive Poultry Production System
Namo Narayan Meena, Krishna Nand Bansal, Gaurav Kumar Bansal, Rahul Saini and Ravta Ram

Study on Genetic Parameters for Kleiber Ratio in Sonadi Sheep
Gaurav Kumar Bansal, Krishna Nand Bansal, Vishnu Kumar, R.K. Nagda, Renuka Hada and Ravta Ram

Comparative Study of Different Estrus Synchronization Protocols in Pubertal Anoestrus Gir Heifers (Bos indicus)
Kalpesh Kumar Pargi, Mitesh Gaur, Dinesh Jhamb, Rohit Juneja, Satish and Surendra Singh Nirwan

Evaluation of Veterinary Cuttable Plates and Reconstruction Plates for Repair of Long Bone Fracture in Young Dogs
Anjul Verma, Randhir Singh, Shobha Jawre, Payal Jain, Kotari Beulah Ramyavani and Anshita Sinha

Measure the Serum Biochemical Profiles (Glucose, Protein, Cholesterol) of Female Black Bengal Goats during Growing and Pregnancy Period
P.S. Chakrabortty, A. Patra, C.K. Biswas and D. Mazumdar

Case Report

Surgical Management of Foetal Dystocia in a Jenny- Case Report
Bhakti Chavda, Dinesh Chaudhari and Kamlesh Hadiya


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