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Author Submission Guidelines

Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing is to provide a forum for dissemination and exchange of original findings on various aspects of Agricultural Marketing which are of primal interest to all the functionaries in the field of marketing of different agricultural produce. It will also from
time to time, contain articles summarising the existing state of knowledge in the field of marketing of agricultural products. All articles in this journal have undergone peer review,
based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by the referee (i.e. double-blind peer review)

  1. Authors to submit their papers on the link: https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=manuscript_submission
  2. Authors should make sure that the manuscripts to be uploaded for publication in the Journal, have not been published or under consideration elsewhere and responsibility for the statement whether of facts or opinion expressed in the papers rests with writers thereof.Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
  3. Authors could be asked to provide the raw data of their study together with the paper for editorial review and should be prepared to make the data publicly available if practicable.
  4. In clarity, brevity and conciseness, punctuation, spellings (U.K.), use of italics etc., the manuscript should conform to the best usage in leading journals. In the case of data, reference to the source should be mentioned. The responsibility of copyediting the manuscripts lies with the contributors although the publisher will provide a final and light copyedit.
  5. Manuscripts should be typed in double space with sufficient margins. Journal papers should not normally exceed 15 typed pages including tables and figures.
  6. Names of the authors should not be accompanied by their degrees, titles, designations, etc.
  7. The name and address of the author along with the title of the paper should be typed on a separate sheet and the manuscript should bear only the title of the paper and at no place the name or any identity of the author.
  8. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors.
  9. The corresponding author ensures that all contributing co-authors and no uninvolved persons are included in the author list. The corresponding author will also verify that all co-authors have approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
  10. Each Journal paper should have a summary in 200 words, in the beginning. Followed by keywords. Please supply four to six keywords. It is recommended keywords be followed by appropriate JEL classification codes.
  11. Drawings, graphs, etc. should be in black and white.
  12. Each Table should be numbered followed by a concise heading.
  13. Make sure to cite every source of information gathered from external sources used in the paper. Please use the APA Style 6th or 7th edition for in-text citation and reference list. A direct quotation taken from another author's work, or your own previously published work, be enclosed in double quotation marks. Place it before the full stop. The references to the literature cited in the text of the paper should only be given at the end of the paper in alphabetical order under the heading REFERENCES. Few examples of the format are given here:
  14. Journal Article
    Talukdar, K. C. and M.A. Muralidharan (1989). Agrarian relation and marketing institutions for rice marketing in Assam: A case study. Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, 3(2), 122-131

    Bansil, P. C. (2006). Poverty mapping in Rajasthan. Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

    Chapter in the Book
    Ramaswamy, K.V. (2008). G1obalisation, Employment and labour Market Flexibility. The case of India. In R. Radhakrishna (Ed.). India Development Report 2008 (pp. 178-188). New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

  15. All Journal papers will be referred in anonymity. The comments of the referees shared, should be addressed by the authors within two months, beyond which the papers will be removed from the files of the Society.
  16. The final version of the Journal papers duly revised should be submitted both in electronic form (soft copies) and two hard copies.

All correspondence regarding the submission and status of the Journal papers should be addressed to the Managing Editor, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing,
PJTSAU Campus, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad - 500030. Ph.: 040-24014884, Fax: 040-24014883, Email: secretary.isam.ngp@gmail.com

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